Chapter 4: It's Time To Duel

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Yugi: Hi there, Y/N ah in this chapter you'll have umm your first duel please bear in mind Phoenix made up a lot of the effects of the cards and chose extremely powerful cards to make you a powerful duelist.
So don't be confused if it doesn't make sense.

Seto: Who cares about rules Yugi? I have money remember?

Joey: For once I agree with money bags, Screw the rules I have Brooklyn Rage.

Pegasus: All the good that would do you both I have a millennium eye remember boys?

Yami: Pegasus! I'ma mind crush you!

Pegasus: Whaaat no you can't!!

Author Phoenix: Alright boys that's enough. I'm the author so I make the rules in this story so Y/N has a high chance of defeating all of you in one duel.

Tèa: Let's get this chapter started!

(Later that night)

We were on one of Seto's private Chopper on our way back to America when I saw two familiar figures below us in the water. I asked the pilot to take us lower. I used the rope ladder and climbed down, jumping in when I was half way down.

"Are you both crazy!?" "What are you doing down here!?" I hissed at them. "Weevil threw my Exodia cards overboard and Joey dove in to get them back," Yugi informed me as I lead them to the ladder.
"Guys over here!!" A boy and a girl shouted. "Friends of yours?" I asked Yugi and he nodded as he and Joey began climbing the ladder. "Alright you two continue climbing, I'll swim over to your friends and the chopper will pick us up from there.

(Time skip on the chopper)

"So you're all heading to Duelists Kingdom huh?" I asked intrigued. "Yep, Joey and I are competing." Yugi enthusiastically replied but I saw a bit of sadness in those purple orbs. I give them both blankets to wrap themselves in while doing the same.

"So we're transporting our competition sweet," Leo said amused and Serah playfully hits his shoulder scolding him. "I guess someone still has a grudge," I mutter to myself.
"Anyway Tèa, Tristan these are my besties Leo Salvador the grumpy lion, and Serah Morrientes the fairy princess and I'm Y/N their super awesome best friend." I playfully introduce earning a grunt from Leo and a subtle eye roll from Ser.

"Wait Leo Salvador and Serah Morrientes, aren't you the Australian and South American champions?" Yugi asked in astonishment. "Yup that's them," I told him. "This is so cool it's an honor to meet both of you," Yugi said with sparkles of joy in his eyes.
"Yea its sweet to meet yuh both." "Leo I'm sorry for trying to ask your girl out, we cool man?" Joey asked nervously. "Sure Joey its water under the bridge," Leo assured him.

"Um Y/N what's your last name?" Tèa asked intrigued. (Shoot I can't tell them that at least not yet.) "It's Emerald," Leo answered noticing my hesitation. That was close. I mouth a thank you to him. "Why do I get the feeling she's hiding something?" Yami says to himself. My eyes widen in shock, I forgot about him. I thought he was in his puzzle oh well.

I trust Yami with my life but I can't risk anyone knowing who I am until the semi-finals at least. I turn to him and gave him a playful wink making his cheeks turn pink. He sends me a nervous smile making my heart turn to mush.

"Here's some dry clothes you two, Tristan and I will hold the blanket for you boys to change and the girls for Y/N ok?" "The last thing we need is you three catching a cold. Leo informed us and we nodded in agreement.
Leo had collected our invitations to participate when he delivered the equipments in Kaiba Corp.

I didn't think I'd get one but I did however there was a catch no one is to know my last name until the semi-finals. Not that I'd want them knowing anyway.
We chatted with each other until we all fell asleep.

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