Chapter: 8 Kaiba Vs Y/N

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Seto: Y/N the time has come for you to prove your true worth. You may be the Phoenix Queen but your little fireflies are no match for my Ultimate weapon. You don't stand a chance against me.

Y/N: Whatever you say Blue Eyes, now let's Duel!

Slifer: Welcome back darlings I hope everyone is in good spirits and keeping well. Remember Phoenix does not own Yugioh it's characters or media used in this story.

Obelisk: Phoenix apologizes for not updating last week. She lost her uncle who was like a dad to her on Sep. 23rd. He passed away in his sleep due to heart failure and it's been tough for her and her entire family.

Now let's get on with the story.

(Two Days Later)
Yami's POV

"NO! It c-can't be, i-it c-can't. Kaiba has to be lying. She can't possibly be who he says she is. It doesn't make sense," I think to myself.
Everyone is in a state of pure shock from the bomb Kaiba just dropped on us.

(Flashback Two Nights Ago)
Yami's Pov

After bringing Y/N back to camp I placed her in her sleeping bag and told her to rest. She protested at first but eventually accepted defeat. Using her power weakened her quite a bit and she needed rest to regain her strength. While she was napping Kaiba showed up. Serah gave him his deck she had been keeping for him since her duel with Ghost Kaiba. When she realized Mokuba was the kid who had stolen the other kid's star chips she convinced him to give them back and promised to help him take down Pegasus. Kemo had taken Mokuba and was about to take him back to Pegasus but Serah challenged him to a duel. If she won he had to return Mokuba but Kemo still took him away even though she won. She asked us not to mention what happened to Y/N as it would have devastated her. Y/N and Leo were making us lunch while this was taking place so they had no idea what Pegasus was up to with Kaiba Corp. Joey and Kaiba had a duel resulting in Kaiba winning. The gang was now back in their tents getting ready to sleep. I sat on the bed in my soul room so lost in thought I didn't see my door open nor the figure that walked in.

"Something on your mind Pharoah?" Y/N asked and I jolted upon hearing her voice breaking me out of my daze.
"You're awake? Have you eaten? Are you feeling better? " Do you need anything?" I asked her worriedly making her smile.
"I'm fine Yami and yes I've had dinner. Are you okay? You seemed quite lost when I came in," She stated.
"I was just thinking about my past. Some of my flashbacks are quite hazy," I told her.
"Hmm, maybe I can help a little," She says walking over to the bed and sitting next to me.
"My necklace may be able to help you. It will take you back to one of your fondest moments. I just need to attach the emerald stone with the eye of Horus and it will take you there. Would you like to give it a try?" She asked and I nodded.
She placed the stone on the eye and an emerald and gold aura encircled us before consuming us within it.

(Ancient Egypt Five Thousand Years Ago)
Still Yami's Pov

Y/N and I were floating in the air over what looks like the Nile in ancient Egypt. We flew down to get a closer look. A little girl stood on the bank of the river staring into space. She seems lost in thought. Just then I see my childhood self walk over to her wrapping his arms around her from behind.
"I thought I'd find you here. You always come here when you're feeling down," Childhood me told her.
"I can't believe they're gone and it's already one year. I thought it would get easier but as time goes on it gets harder," She explained.
"I wish I could take away your pain Mana, no one should have to go through what you and Mahad went through," Little me told her.
I saw Y/N's eyes begin to tear up. She looks as though she not only understands the little girl's pain but feels it. Could my suspicions be true? Is she a reincarnated version of Mana?
Another figure walks up to the kids.

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