Chapter: 12 Joey vs Bandit Keith

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Ryou: Welcome back lovelies please note Phoenix doesn't own Yugioh, its characters, or any media used in this story.

Kisara: We hope you're keeping well and staying safe. Thank you so much for taking the time to read.

Bandit Keith: Now on to the story so I can wipe the floor with this dweeb in America!

(Inside Your Bedroom)
Your POV

After teasing Yugi, Yami switched back with him so his friends could congratulate him. Serah, Leo, and I went up to our rooms to freshen up and organize ourselves for our duel that's right after Joey's. I gave Serah three cards for him to help him in his duel. For some reason, he and Tea are being very cold to me. I've picked up on it with Yugi as well. I'm guessing it has to do with me being the daughter of the man who stole the soul of Yugi's grandpa forcing him to take part in his tournament in order to get it back.

"Hey, Morri do you happen to know why dad wants Yugi's puzzle?" I asked Serah.
"It's not just the puzzle he's after. He wants all the Millennium Items," She said.
"Your dad wants all seven Millennium Items, so he could use their ancient powers to resurrect your mom," Leo explained.
"How does he plan on getting the other five?" I queried.
"The ring and puzzle are in the castle and he already has the eye. The other four items are in Egypt and he knows their owners very well," He clarified.
"Whoever places the seven items in their sacred stone will get whatever they request," Serah added.
"I see, where exactly is the stone located, and do we know for sure this will happen?" I asked.
"According to the scriptures yes," Leo said.

"Will you be okay dueling against me?" Serah asked.
"I wish I didn't have to duel either of you. I'm not sure I can do this," I told her.
"You can do this Emmy just have faith in yourself and your monsters," She assured me.
"That's not the problem Ser, I don't think I have the courage to take down your warriors. I know how much they mean to you," I explained.
"For the sake of our loved ones and Yugi's grandfather, we have to Y/N. It's the only way and at the end of the day whether we admit it or not they're just playing cards," She said.
"She's right. Your heart and souls are in your decks but they're still just ink on paper that becomes holographic images of the field," Leo added.
"That's just the thing you guys my cards remind me of the people I love and cherish for example my Divine Dark Magician Girl reminds me of Issy while Dark Magician Girl Knight and Dark Magician Knight reminds me of you two," I explained making them sigh.

"We know hun but it's the only way for us to get everyone back," She assured me.
"She's right there's too much at stake for you to be backing out," Leo added.
"You're right guys but I need you to duel with everything you have otherwise it'll be for nothing. I won't accept a surrender unless there's absolutely no way for you to defend yourself," I told them.
"The same goes for you," Serah agreed.
"Mahad should be here any minute now, you two should head up to the balcony so it wouldn't look suspicious. They're probably halfway through their duel making it perfect for you to come up with a good excuse for me not being there," He explained.
"Let's get to it then," I said.

I stepped out of my room to give them some privacy. I promise you mom I'll do everything I can to get dad and all the stolen souls back. I stared at my Phoenix Queen the card that reminds me of my mom. The reason my Phoenix Magician Girl's my favorite card is because it has both our hearts in it.

(Serah POV)

"Please be careful sweetheart, I don't want anything bad happening to you," I told him.
"I'll be fine princess. I owe it to Bella to get her back safely after all big brothers are supposed to protect their little sisters not so?" He asked and I nodded.
"Take this with you, it'll protect you," I said placing my ruby necklace around his neck.
"No princess I can't. You need it to protect you!" He protested.
"I'll be fine. Now go get Seto and Isa back," I told him.
"Fine. Promise me you'll keep your cool around Pegasus and you'll fight your hardest in your duel against Y/N. I know how much she means to you but you need to remember what Ra said," He said making my blood boil.
"Now you listen to me Salvador, Y/N would never justify taking someone's soul to bring back her mom despite how badly she wants her back. "If she did her mom would never forgive her and she knows that. You know how much Seto and Isa mean to her so why would you bring up Ra's speech about being cautious with her? Like I told Ra if he thought she was so easy to persuade why make us her guardians?" I demanded.
"I know that sweetheart but you saw what Pegasus is capable of. What if he coerced her somehow?" He queried.
"I'm gonna go before I say something I may not regret," I said walking away.
"Don't you ever walk away from me without me telling you I love you, angry or not," He said holding my hand before pulling me into a deep kiss.

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