Chapter 18: Pegasus Pt 2

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Mahad: Welcome back Your Highness. We hope you're in good spirit and all is well with you. Now back to the story!

(Your Pov)

"Could you hurry up and win this duel already? In case you've forgotten, I have a company to run." Seto snarled.

"Please hurry up and save us Y/N the shadow realm's a creepy place. Kids don't belong here. It's worse than a horror movie," Mokuba pleaded.

"You've got this bestie. We're all counting on you. Keep up the good work. You and Yami have what it takes to win this!" Issy stated.

"Trust in the power of the rose and your bond with your friends as well as your dueling partners," Grandpa said before they vanish into the darkness.

"Y/N are you okay?" Yami asked bringing me out of my trance.
"I'm fine Issy and the others were reminding me of what's at stake," I stated.
"You saw them too?" He asked.
"I see,"
"Can't believe it's finally happening Yugi versus Pegasus for his grandpa's soul. Everything we've been working for comes down to this match," Joey said.
"Yugi don't let that creep intimidate you!" Tea exclaimed.
"Yeah just play your game," Joey told him.
"You two haven't come all this way just to lose. He may be able to read your minds and counter your strategies but you can still work together and take him down," Ser assured us.

"You're quite the little dreamer aren't you little Goddess?" Dad taunts.
"Leave Serah out of this! She has nothing to do with this!" I snarled.
"Keep her out of your sick twisted game Pegasus!" Yami warned.
"Ooh, feisty, my bad let's carry on shall we," Dad snickered.
"You've got somewhere to go Bakura?" Joey asked.
"Yes, I thought I'd go check on Tristan and Leo," He stated.
"They have been gone quite a long time," Tea said.
"Too long if you ask me! I mean what could be more important than this match?" Joey snapped.
"I'll be sure to ask him," Bakura stated.

"It's my turn. First I'm laying this card face down and next, I'll throw the Summon Skull (2500 ATK, 1200 DEF) in defensive mode and I'll leave it at that," Yami said ending his turn.
"Goodie now it's my turn once again. I'm switching Rerang (2200 ATK, 2600 DEF) into attack mode. Make your move Angel," Dad said.
"I play this in defense mode and that will do for now," I said playing my card without looking.
"Very well then, Rerang attack Summon Skull, Fire Stream Attack," Dad ordered.
"With your attack, you've activated my trap card the Spellbinding Circle! My circle has stopped your attack but that's not all, it also ensnares Rerang in a binding spell of magic," Yami began explaining and I mentally facepalm.
"Oh nooooo," Dad dramatized interrupting him.
"And reduces his attack power by 700 points (1500 ATK, 2600 DEF)!" Yami finished.
"Alright!" Tea cheered
"Looks like Pegasus is in big trouble!" Joey chimed in.
"Yeah it's not as though he saw it coming or anything," Ser scoffed.
"Hey who's side ya on?! Joey asked.
"Obviously Yugi and Y/N's but that move was beyond predictable. Pegasus could see that coming without his millennium eye," Ser clarified.

"And now Pegasus with my Skull poised to attack and the magic of my Spellbinding Circle trap in full effect Rerang will be struck down! Go Lightning Strike Attack!" Yami ordered.
"Mmm not so fast Yugi, I play this," Dad said showing us his Trap Displacement card.
"Wh-at? What is that?" Yami gasped.
"The trap well a trap for traps actually. It's called Trap Displacement and with it, I can take the trap you set against one of my monsters and place it on one of yours! Observe!" Dad taunts.
"Oh no! Now Rerang's attack power are back to normal and my Summon Skull (1800 ATK, 1200 DEF) is 700 points weaker!" Yami growled.
"Why it's almost as if I knew exactly what you were thinking isn't it?" Dad chuckles while Yami grunts and I smirk. he's so focused on Yugi he forgot about my face-down cards. But do I play it now or save it for my turn?

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