Chapter 2: Atem's Affliction

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Hi lovelies, I hope you're enjoying the story thus far. Without further adieu take it away Mahad.

Mahad: Thank you milady. Phoenix does not own Yugioh or its characters nor does she own you. Credit goes to their rightful owners.

Thank you, Mahad now let's get the ball rolling.

(Inside the millennium puzzle)
Atem's pov

I open my eyes and all I see is darkness. Everything is silent. The surface below me is rough, hard, and cold as ice.

Where am I? Why can't I see anything?
Why can't I move? What is this place? I know by sealing myself with Zorc it wouldn't be pretty but I never imagined this. The silence is killing me.

My mind keeps going back to where I lost her. I keep seeing her in slow motion as she takes both arrows for me. My heart clenches as I see her cough up blood and struggle to speak.

My chest tightens as I hear her voice break as she calls out to me. How could I allow this to happen to her? I promised to protect her and yet she was the one who protected me.

What kind of King would allow his love to be sacrificed to save himself. I was no king. I was just a weak child. A true king would have protected their queen.

Just then I heard a familiar voice snicker.

"That's right Pharaoh, she's gone, and it's all your fault. You could have saved her but you were too weak and selfish. No wonder she never loved you. You're nothing but a coward." Zorc snickered.

He's right. I am a coward. I don't blame her if she hates me. She has all right. I failed her. Now I must suffer the consequences of my weak actions. My father would be ashamed if he saw me now.

Zorc lets out a vicious laugh

Hahaha, Pharaoh, Pharaoh, your father must regret the day he died and left the throne to you. He thought you how to be brave, powerful, confident, and rule with authority but here you are. You're an insensitive coward. How could a weakling like you be a king? Seto will be a far better ruler than you. No wonder your father loved him more.

Zorc's tormenting voice is nothing compared to the horror in my mind. I keep seeing Mana dying in my arms over and over again. I see my kingdom in smoke and flames. I see my father dying on his bed and Mahad being sealed in the stone tablet that was meant for Bakura's diabound. I watch as Kisara shields Seto from a blast directed at him.

I open my eyes only to see the bodies of my people lying on the ground. Egypt has been turned to ruins and ashes. My high priests and their new king have all been slain and their bodies lay outside what's left of the palace walls.

"That's right Pharaoh, your sacrifice was in vain. Bakura has taken over and theirs nothing you can do to stop him now." Zorc mocks.

Seto: He's right you're nothing but a disgrace to the people of Egypt.

Aknadin: You were nothing but a weak little boy pretending to act like a man.

Shimon: You should be ashamed of yourself! You despicable Pharaoh.

Shada: You inadequate excuse of a Pharaoh. No one should ever know of your reign over Egypt.

Karim: I hope you suffer the same way your people did because of you.

Kisara: Only a selfish, cold-hearted, and merciless king would stand by and watch his people be slain while he stands there unharmed.

Tears flow down my cheeks as I look at my most loyal servants express their wrath and hatred towards me. I feel so numb, futile, and small hearing them say all of this.

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