Chapter: 34 Duel Discs

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Joey: Welcome back, Y/N, are you ready for take-off?

Tristan: Just start the chapter already, dimwit!

Joey: Tristan!!

Tea: On to the story!

<A Few Days Later>
(Narrator's Pov)

"What is it, Phee?" You asked as you brush your hair while the Goddess paced back and forth in your room.
"Huh?" Phoenix asked absentmindedly.
"I can see the wheels turning in your head so spit it out already. Whatever it is I'm sure I can handle it," You assured her.
"I know that love but I can't help but feel like I give you hope just to take it away," The Goddess sighed.
"I'll admit, it does feel that way sometimes but then I remember you came into my life at a crucial moment. You and Mahad were there for me when I needed you most. Don't get me wrong my friends did a great job cheering me up when I was down and helped me get through some of the darkest times of my life but you and Mahad were there when I cried myself to sleep and woke up traumatized in the middle of the night as I relived that horrible night in my dreams. I may not have been able to see you back then but I felt you and I remembered your words from the night before I met Yami. You told me I'd meet someone soon who'd be there for me the way I need them to. Back then I thought you meant dad but when I locked eyes with albi, I knew you meant him. I know I give you a hard time and I hardly ever say this but I do love and appreciate you, Phee. I see you as a big sister," You told her.

"No wonder Pharaoh fell for you, you have a way with words. I've always considered you as a daughter and I also know you enjoy playful banter with your loved ones," Phoenix noted.
"Good, now let me have it," You ordered.
"Fine, well as you already know the battle ahead is no easy task, after all, you'll be battling against Dark Forces who just happens to have one of the most powerful millennium items in their possession...."
"You're beating around the bush, get to the point, woman yeash," You facepalmed.
"Your relationship with Pharaoh will be put to the Ultimate Test. With each challenge you face the more protective you'll become over each other but please remember you have to work together to defeat this enemy. One of you alone won't be enough to take them down," Phoenix warned.
"I know that, Phee. We often fought about this in the past and Yami is still very much overprotective as he was back then. What am I supposed to do if he pulls the same stunts he pulled back then?" You asked.

"Use it to your advantage if you can. You're a very clever girl, Y/N. You know Yami better than anyone," Phoenix reminded you.
"You're right, but keeping my cool won't be easy. No one can calm me the way he can but at the same time, no one can send me from zero to a hundred like him either," You explained.
"Fair point, as a Phoenix that makes it worse but I have faith in you. You can do this," Phoenix assured her.
"Thank you, I'll try my best. I'm going to meet him now. It's been great chatting with you," You told her.
"Same here. I know you're both longing for the chance to become one with each other but please be patient. The time will come, trust me," Phoenix pleaded.
"What you're asking is no easy task but I'll try. I wish you'd tell me why, though," You stated.
"All in due time," She said.
"Always so cryptic and mysterious," You
rolled your eyes.
"Your husband is awaiting your presence, don't make him wait too long," Phoenix chuckled before vanishing into thin air.

(Inside Yami's Soul Room)

"Is there anything you don't look good in? How am I supposed to keep away wandering eyes from you when you look gorgeous in everything, hmm?" Yami admired wrapping his arms around your waist.
"I don't recall you keeping away wandering eyes from me in Egypt so why do it now?" You queried placing your arms around his neck.
"Why do you think I often walked behind you and held your hand? I would give death glares to everyone that looked at you inappropriately," He admitted.
"What? I don't believe you," You said in disbelief folding your arms.
"It's true," He told you.
"I can't believe you did that without me noticing," You stated.
"It wasn't easy but I had to let them know you were mine somehow," He defended.
"And giving them the stinky eye was your way of doing so?" You challenged.
"It was less harmful than all the other scenarios I had in my mind," He cheekily admitted.
"You mean the sweet, innocent crowned prince of Egypt had malicious thoughts about his young fellows?" You teased.

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