Chapter: 7 Panic Attack

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Horakhty: Hi lovelies welcome back I hope you're having an awesome day/night if not maybe this chapter will cheer you up! As always Phoenix doesn't own Yugioh or its characters, the youtube videos, or pictures.

Seto: Let's get on with the story already!!

(Next morning)

Just as Mahad had said, everyone thought it was a dream except Yugi, Serah, and I. Bakura was telling Yugi the story of how he got his millennium ring. He asked Joey and Tristan if they slept well but both boys got scared and clung to each other terrified making us girls laugh. I was about to get started on breakfast when we heard a loud agonizing scream. We ran towards the scream to find a Mai looking defeated walking out of a duel station.

"Mai are you alright?" Yugi asked calling out to her as we run towards her.
"You're too late," She said sadly.
"Too late for what?" Tristan inquired.
"This creepy guy giving yuh trouble?" Joey asked.
"What happened?" I asked.
"Panick happened, he's one of the eliminators for this tournament," Leo informed us.
"Eliminator what's that?" Yugi asked.
"That's right! I'm the guy Pegasus pays to dispose of pathetic duelist like your little friend here." Panick says raising Mai's glove hand.
"Wouldn't that make you the garbage man?" Tristan teased.
"This isn't a joke guys!" Mai stated.
"She's right he dueled ruthlessly and took all her star chips," Leo said with sadness in his voice.
"But that means she's out!" Tèa said.
"You're out Mai?" Yugi asked
"I am, the way Panick duels, I guess I just lost it." She sadly responded.
"Poor Mai that's not fair!" Serah stated.
"Life isn't fair girly your little friend was one of my easiest targets yet," Panick said while letting go of Mai's hand roughly almost causing her to fall.
I growled at him. No one treats my friends that way and gets away with it.

"This isn't right!" Tèa stated.
"Someone needs to teach this psycho a lesson!" Serah agreed.
"Let me at him! I'll teach him!" Joey growled chasing towards Panick but Tristan and Leo held him back.
"He's way bigger than you Joey, you won't stand a chance," Leo explained.
"Leo's right! There's only one way to deal with bullies. You need to stand up to them." I said firmly.
"Panick I challenge you to a duel and when I win you will return all of Mai's star chips!" I declared.
"Hahaha okay girly but just so you know if you lose you and all your friends will be eliminated!" He chuckled.
"Y/N please don't do this you won't stand a chance against him!" Mai exclaimed.
"I'll gladly do to you as I did with her," He said raising Mai's hand.
"Let her go Panick! If you want to bully someone why don't you try your intimidating tactics against me!" I snarled.
He laughed at me so I walked over and released her hand from his, glaring at him.

(If you think Kaiba's glare is bad you should see mine.)

He flinches and retreated to his station.
"She's right! If you lose we'll all be disqualified, let me duel Panick instead." Yugi insisted.
"No Yugi! I've got this just have faith in me like I do when you're dueling." I told him.
"Yugi huh? Pegasus offered a substantial bounty for the eliminator who defeats you. I guess it's my lucky day, when I defeat your little girly over here you'll be out!" Panick taunts.
"That's what you think! When I'm through with you, you'll not only learn how to respect girls but you'll also be needing a new job!" I told him.
He chuckled.
"I'm not just doing this for the money but for the great thrill, I get from defeating weak duelists like you," He stated.
"Are you sure about this?" Leo asked.
"I am," I firmly stated.
"Don't worry Leo, Panick has met his match!" Serah informed him.
"Playtime is now over Panick let's duel!" I declared.
"But Y/N," Mai tried to stop me but I brushed her off with a nod and a warm smile as I walked to my dueling station.

"Y/N please be careful! We're all rooting for you!" Yami cheered.
"When did he transform?" I think to myself sending him a small smile.
"Show him how we take down thugs like him!" Joey chimed in.
"We believe in you!" Tēa joined in.
"Kick his butt!" Tristan yelled.
"Take that slimeball down!" Leo agreed.
"You have no idea what you're up against girly. I'm gonna take you into a world of hurt." Panick said.
"I won't be bullied by the likes of you Panick! I play with my heart that's why I always win against your type." I told him remembering all the times Leo and I took down bullies who would try to hurt Serah. She was always the shy quiet girl except when she's with us which made her an easy target for bullies until we thought her how to stand up to them.

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