Omake 1

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(All Omakes' are canon.)
//Omake 1//-Someone Say Dead Parents?

'I smell copper.'-Lucian Himejima

"You can't take him to the battlefield! Who knows what could happen!" Shuri yelled at her husband but her son stood up for him. "Kaa-san I've been training for years now! I can handle myself!" Lucian responded to his mother.

"Baraquiel! You better protect him!" Shuri yelled at her husband who nodded quickly while sweating. "Onii-sama is very strong and if anyone hurts him I'll beat them up!" Akeno said in a energetic voice.

"Don't worry Akeno I'll be fine and keep getting stronger with your magic." I say and I ruffle her hair I was a head taller then her so she just pouted. "You should get going before I keep you here."
My mom says I saw them both smiling.

"I'll be back stay safe guys." He told them before he walked out the door with his father. Little did he know those where his last words to his mother.


I walked out the door of my house and my father prepared a magic circle and I sense something to my left down the hill. I look and see there's only forest I just wave it off.

That was one of the worst mistakes of his life....


It was an absolute slaughter....

Lucian had never seen a battle this big before.....

Corpses.....corpses everywhere.....there was blood...lots of blood...he's seen border skirmishes but this was insane.

"Dad! Another 13 Low-Class Devils from the west!" I shout to him across the wall. We both create multiple fallen magic circles and shoot Holy Lighting.

"I guess they really don't want to give up?" I mutter while I see them turn to ash. "Keep a look out for more Captain!" I tell the fallen to the right of me.

"Understood where will you be going sir?" He answers with a questioning look. "I gotta get back home so....fuck this shit im out." I tell then before I jump into a teleportation circle.

"Kids these days..." Baraquiel said with a sigh.

1 second time skip brought to you by Shuri getting stabbed by here family and Akeno having a tantrum about fallen.....

I arrive near my house because my father set up teleportation barriers in the house something about getting exercise. I immediately fell something is off.

'I smell copper.' I tell my self worryingly before I start to see fires around the house. 'Is that...mothers fire magic!' I shout in my head and then a fallen circle opened up next to me and dad came out. "What's with the troubled look on your fa-....stay behind me now." He command I just follow behind him.

(Play OST at top)

We look around and started to see bodies of men with white robes charged with fire. I might have been prideful and had no problem with combat but right now I was scared right now for mother and Akeno.

"The lights are out." My father said quietly before we arrive at the door. I kick down the door and see 5 men infront of a crying Akeno. "GET AWAY FROM HER!" I scream at them before I create a light spear and stab the first two in the chest.

Father zapped the last 3 with Holy Lighting and I saw why Akeno was crying and why I couldn't here mother she was next to mothers corpse she had blood on her face and was looking at us and I start to tear up at what happens but I'll save it for when were safe.

"We need to go." My father said and I peak up. "Im sensing 15 people with malice we need to leave." I tell her and try to hold her hand but she recoiled at my touch. "Akeno its me." I tell her but nothing changes.

"I-s m-other d-ead why weren't you hear!" She yelled at me while crying at both of us I felt a pit in my stomach that I took to long to get back."Akeno we need to leave now or we will all die!" My father told us she still doesn't move one bit.

"Lucian! Handle those assailants outside!" He tells me and I wipe away my tears and dash out the door. I see 25 men outside with white robes and light swords.

"KILL THE HALF BREED SCUM!" "A PITY YOU HAD TO BE BORN!" "MONSTER!, HALF BREED SCUM!" Most of the white figures yell at me before they charge at me and something changes I feel a hand caress my heart as if I've been cut off from the worlds influence. "Die." I say with my eyes shadowed by my hair and something activates with and a wind blade I can't even see chops 7 of the men in half and it keeps going through the trees.

More men charge at me with there light swords. "Die." This time Holy Lighting strikes them down from the sky out of a fallen magic circle.

I wave my hand and sent wind towards there heads snapping there necks in a 180 direction and any swords that try to touch me shatter on impact. I kick dirt dead and the rest are running.

I start to walk back until I feel a hand caress my heart but this time the hand squeezed my heart and I started to cough up blood and that feeling went away I feel a presence approach me but I can't even really stand up. I shout my fathers name but I felt a burning slice on the right side of my head.

Half my vision turns bloody and dark with my remaining eye I see in front of me was one more of those priest like people.

"GET AWAY FROM MY SON!" I hear my father yell and suddenly see the man in front of me turn to ash. I look up and see my father picking me up to carry me away into a magic circle before I black out.


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