Chapter 11/ACT 2

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(Hello everyone! Here to discuss things...again.QnA style shit.)

Q: What does Lucian have to do with Cleria Belial?

A: Azazel talked to Lucian about the '2016 Kuoh Incident' which involved the slaughter of 50 Exorcists and Great King Faction Devils after Lucian found them after killing Cleria when he activated Variation and Change. The rest will be explained in Omake 4 wip.

Q: Who is Natala?

A: You would know who Natala is if you read Akame Ga Kill Zero he escaped the Old Satan Faction with Kurome and Akame and became friends with Lucian overtime. I don't want to spoil anything for his death in Omake 5. He's the reason why Lucian hates Evil Pieces.

Q: Why did Lucian take a 3 year brake?

A: For plot reasons duh! To find Shalltear in Romania! And to train his Sacred Gear so he could unlock other Authority's, Balance Breaker, Juggernaut Drive, etc.

Q: Will Lucian become an antagonist for Issei?

A: At the end of the book. You know the only way Lions Heart turns off....I'm turning this book into the Akame Ga Kill anime version shit.

Q: Does Serafall know Akeno is alive? And why wouldn't she tell him?

A: Akeno was to sacred to talk to her brother since he went with her father and she's happy with her new life. Akeno knows he's alive she told Serafall to lie. That won't end up well.

Q: Why does Lucian know Sairaorg Bael in this chapter.

A: He meet him when he was sent to find the Nemea Lion. He let Sairaorg have it since the Lion only bonded with Sairaorg since his mother is from the Vapula Clan who tame lions. They became friends after that.

Q: Why the FUCK is Kurome so Op!

A: She is weak on her own without her puppets; maybe Ultimate-Class by herself tho with her puppets....thats a different see how Yatsufusa works...anyone she kills becomes her servant...that does apply to everyone so if Lucian is about to kill a dragon and she lands the finishing blow...well you see where im getting.

(If you have any other questions please ask!)


//Chapter 11//-Hn, Back To Business Are We?

The Underworld...the homeland of Devils, Fallen Angels, The Gods Of Hell and may other supernatural creatures. The same thing could be said about the human world, all the factions have a piece in it. Right now where going to Spain.

Teenagers....there's one thing about them.....they like to party...the same thing could be said about Lucian.....

Outside a gruff man with violet eyes and a business suit landed next to a busy nightclub tho there was one thing standing out about the man he had 5 pairs of coal black angel like wings. He enters the club not that anyone could see him.

As music pounds inside the club there were a few people at the VIP section of the bar 2 men and 6 women sit. But there not important right now let's go a few rooms away....

"N-ya! Fuck I forgot how rough you areee~~~~!" A familiar feline voice moans in pleasure as Lucian kisses her neck and sneaks a hand under her kimono.

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