Prologue/ACT I

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//Prologue//-Enter Lucian Himejima!


Lucian, Lucian Himejima Age 11 Born November 18th 2000. And right now im getting my ass kicked by my father in lightning training.

"Lucian you have done enough today your gonna pass out." A gruff voice of my father Baraquiel a Carde unlike my little sister Akeno who is the cutest thing in the world.

"I DON'T GIVE A SH-!" Lucian yells until he is bitch slapped into a wall. "NOT IN FRONT OF AKENO!" "Yes Ma'am!"

"I think Onii-chan did a great job!" Akeno said happily. "Akeno is to innocent!!!!" I get slapped again. "Owwww what was that for!"

"For hurting yourself and training to muc.....


That was a year ago now im 12 and I had a scar on my right eye to show it. And if you don't know what im talking about I'll tell you I was a half breed half fallen half human from my mothers side. My mother was in some special Shinto clan and she left so she could be with my father Baraquiel a high ranking fallen she had to kids me and my little sister Akeno the clan found out about this and while we were away they killed my mother and almost killed Akeno if me and father did not get there faster if me and father just didn't leave that day!

Right now I'm in my room after those people killed mother father brought me to the Grigori after mothers death Akeno ran away and didn't come with us. It also turns out I had some Sacred Gear yea Azazel was running some tests turns out I have a new Longinus he told me about some Levithan girl who had devil sleeping disease and a new Longinus manifested in her.

Turns out the case for me was different I have a Longinus but I can't use it because no one knows what it looks like or how to communicate like with Vali and Abilon speaking about Vali fucking battle freak wants to fight 3-4 times a day.

And father well...he's not the same after what happened even im shocked Akeno left those people from mothers clan they took her from me! I understand fathers concerns but they took advantage of my sisters situation! I just wish mother was still here...I had to many unsettling memories to think about....

Im on my way to the training grounds I want to see if I can get my Longinus to work I need to re create that feeling!

When those men from mothers clan came and killed her they were about to strike me and sword shattered to a million pieces just from touching my skin but then a few seconds later my body stared to hurt really like the worst pain in my life so I made that feeling go away but when I told father about and Uncle Azazel said it was my Sacred Gear I was ecstatic!

I had my holy lighting which may I say I am very good now I have a new Longinus and people won't know how to counter if I can get it to work!

Also there's those Carde abilities you get when you get 5 pairs of wings yea like fathers holy lighting which I think I should get my own I got it because i'm his son, Azazel' Searph like holy weapon creation powers, etc.

Yea so I'm on my 4rd pair of wings wings 2 more pairs to go tho I should go to Vali now!

"Vali!" "Hey." "I wanna see if I can get my Longinus to work today!" He looked very surprised. "You sure your dad said you got hurt alot."

"Does the white dragon emperor care about me?" I ask in teasing voice. "Hah, I don't want to lose my strongest rival if I can ever find the red dragon."

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