Poem #15// Emo...tional

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I myself hate the word "emo."
Society labeled it,
And society says the "freaks" have claimed it.

In all reality it stands for emotional.
Something that we as humans are.
We're adults.
We're teenagers.
We're children.
We're young.
We're old.

What would life be if we weren't all emo...tional?
We're happy.
And we're sad.
We're excited.
And we're angry.
We're in love.
And we're in pain.
We're healthy.
And we're sick.

We go through the motions.
And we play them on repeat.
So go ahead and tell me,
What would you label yourself?

Emo means emotional.
It's just a label, don't you know?
And if you don't, well then,
It really goes to show.

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