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'damn it... this man...' shu licked his lips as lifted his hair up showing his scare making him look so hot... as i stood submissive to him blushing mess with my full face flustered... just by that we heard some girl coming as i cursed loud... "damn it...!" i said as shu chuckled with a smirk as he said... "don't forget... do not say to them... they might get jealous...!" he whispered near my ear...

as he licked it with his tongue making me gasp and grasp his shirt as i blushed crimson red as he gave me a small smile with a chuckle as he left the place saying... "you look cute like that... i will make sure to do it often... ELMA...!" 

as soon as he left some of the girls from other class came as i stood there red like a tomato... they surrounded me as i tried saying some reason as they began asking the question... "ho my, Elma are you ok? are you sick...?! can we take you to nurse office?!" they asked as i tried calming myself as i said "n-no i a-am f-fine...!" i said as i tried going to gym along with them...

and well it worked... but as soon as we went in front of the gym... we all saw shu and lui standing there... both of them were smirking and shu's gaze, it was literally on me... and my face went red again and the sad thing is that the girls noticed me... 

as soon as they both left the class girls began teasing me... "so you like one of them hu...?!" one of them asked while the other smirked and asked... "so who is the lucky one, who do you like...?! is it lui or shu...!" 

my face was crimson red as i covered my face with my hand as they chuckled at me... suddenly... "both of them will be mine soon...!" a voice said making me a shock as i turned around to my back to see... "Amanda...!" all the girls growled as they left me and Amanda alone... 

AMANDA: an OC i added as a bully of Elma... she is one of the rich families working under Rachel's family... having a love interest in free, shu, lui, and Gabe... ready to make the person's life miserable who dares to interferes with her interest or life...

'wow looks like I made the school bully's eye land on me...! this is going to be a troublesome year...!' i thought as she came near me and glared, as i ignored her and went inside the gym as i began arranging the things for today's class... as i am the class incharge...

but little did i know that Amanda's anger seemed to be provoked as she stormed towards me and lifted me by my collar as i floated in the air like paper, she looked at me in shock...


i was watching Elma do her work as a smile formed on my face as i got to see lacy aka Elma now but my smiled disappeared as Amanda out of nowhere came and lifted lacy by the collar as all of our attention went on them... everyone was shocked to see Amanda lift Elma just like that... cause Amanda is weak in body strength and this only means that...

"lacy is underweight...!" i growled as i heard a voice saying... "but she tasted sweeter than before you know!" i turned back to see shu who licked his lips with a smirk as he looked at the scene...

"What did you do...?!" i asked as he smirked and said... "planed and created this drama to test her...!" he said as a smirk grew in my face as i said... "interesting... let's see how does it go... and i will get my part too...!" i said in jealousy as shu chuckled and said... "as you wish lui...!"

Amanda was totally in surprise as she asked "what is your f*cking weight...?! why are you this light?!" she asked as Elma chuckled and smirked as she just shrugged... making me and shu smirked as it increased Amanda's temper... "want me to teach you a lesson?!" she asked as Elma gave her a neutral expression as she gripped on Amanda's hand and harden her grip making her growl lowly as she let Elma down at a point... 

the grip made a mark on Amanda's hand as she held her hand in pain as she cursed at Elma and began mocking her as Elma tched and said "mind me ignoring you some other time?! i am busy here!" she said as the surrounding froze as everyone processed the insult she did to Amanda... and the next second... the whole gym was filled with laughter and giggles as Amanda walked out with pure range and anger leaving Elma alone...!

i and shu took this as a chance and walked towards her but stooped when saw... "FREE" i and shu growled again as he smirked at us and grabbed lacy's hand dragging her out... 


as soon as free dragged me out i fell on my knees as I said " damn shu... u sick... bastard!" i said as i noticed a smirk on free's face as he asked! "so what really happened between u guys to make u curse like this?!" 

my face turned bright red when the word that free said replayed in my mind 'between u guys...' as it remembered me the last line shu said... "Dame bastard... he kissed me and that too it was....!" i dragged as free's face looked shocked as he gave an 'O' look as he asked "and it was...?!" i continued saying as my face began getting red with smoke coming out as i covered my face with my hands as i said, "and it was a french kiss...!" 

free's face a huge visible smirk as he said "at this rate, looks like i can get my freedom soon! and if i am right u... u enjoyed it didn't ya?! and how did it feel to be submissive?! does submissive feels good or dominant feels good?!" his hand roamed in his hair as he smirked at my worst state of blushing as i said, "man u are no help!" as i concentrated in calming my red face... but suddenly free changed... 

"things aside... back to our plan lacy... how is the company going?!" he asked as my face changed back to the serious one recovering from its state as i said "going as our plan and u sure know how to change my mood quickly!" i said as he smirked with a chuckle as he said...

"i have been sticking with u for years and u think i won't!? and... about... hydayah...!" free dragged his sentence, signaling something is wrong... as i asked "what about her?!" i asked as he said, "she is struggling with the company and her personal life with yours... she is in a heavy stress and depression!" 

his eyes held a worried look as i signed as my hand roamed in my hair lifting the hair in my face up revealing the royal mark of Rachel's family... "she has to learn it this time...! i can't help her in any of this now... cause i am hopeless on my own now...!"

I said as free signed and patted my head as he said "well... And that is the reason y i am tagging with you... To help my hopeless friend when she needs me the most" he said as i smiled with a chuckle as i said...


So hello readers, i know it had been days and yes i am still alive...
My school began and my schedule became tight,😅😅😅
And the result is no proper update and no proper editing... Sorry for the delay thought...

Anyways thank you, guys, 😊🤗


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