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Guys something is wrong with my ENTER KEY and it leaves twice the space as the normal once i tried correcting it but no victory so adjust it for this once sorry!

and i also very much apologies for the late update... i just ran out of ideas🥹...

"I wonder how their reaction would be... if i go there instead of you... especially shu and lui...!"


Everyone was sitting in the meeting hall, anxiously waiting for Lacy. The meeting was supposed to start 20 minutes ago, but she was nowhere to be found. This made both Shu and Lui increasingly worried and anxious. The tension in the room was palpable, with murmurs and restless shifting filling the space. The air was thick with the scent of expensive cologne and the faint rustle of designer suits as company representatives fidgeted in their seats.

Suddenly, the heavy wooden doors of the hall swung open with a resounding thud, and all eyes turned to see who it was. Instead of Lacy, it was Free who entered, his presence commanding and majestic. His sharp, tailored suit and the confident gleam in his eyes made the room fall silent. The very sight of the international company De La Hoya's owner entering their affair sent a wave of shock and terror through the room.

Murmurs broke out as company heads exchanged worried glances. The thought of the powerful De La Hoya family involving themselves in this meeting made everyone feel inferior and traumatized. The tension was almost tangible.

Shu and Lui's eyes narrowed, and they growled under their breaths as they watched Free saunter in with a smirk. Shu's hands clenched into fists, his knuckles turning white with anger. Unable to contain himself, Shu stood up abruptly, his chair scraping loudly against the marble floor. "What are you doing here, Free? This is not your place. Where is Lacy?"

Free's smile widened, his eyes twinkling with amusement. "What do you mean? I'm here for the meeting you assigned today. I am the owner of the company. What do you mean by those questions, and what are you speaking about?"

The answer sent a shockwave through the room. Gasps and whispers erupted among the attendees. Shu and Lui exchanged a glance, their faces pale with disbelief, as if they had seen a ghost. Free reached into his briefcase and, with a dramatic flair, pulled out a stack of documents, tossing them onto the table in front of the assembly. The papers fanned out, revealing the bankrupt files and share market drop documents of the top companies in the room.

"Here are the recent financial reports," Free said, his voice dripping with satisfaction. "As you can see, your companies are in ruins. And here—" He pulled out another document with a flourish. "—is the ownership document. Lacy signed the entire company over to me." He held up the document, Lacy's signature clearly visible at the bottom.

The room erupted in outrage. Representatives from various companies stood up, shouting in protest. "This is outrageous!" one man yelled. "We demand an explanation!"

Free's eyes glinted with a predatory gleam as he silenced them with a raised hand. "Sit down," he said coldly. "You are in no position to make demands. This company is mine, and your protests mean nothing. Now, please have a seat so we can continue with the meeting."

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 15 ⏰

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