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"I don't hate anyone," she choked out, her voice thick with tears."But in the end i was always choice that you both let go off..."

Her voice contained a myriad of emotions that she hid beneath, and he could feel them all. His heart felt as if it had been stabbed. Shu's body froze for a minute as he saw his old love smile at him like an angel about to disappear with a teary eye. Shu knew that if he let go of her now, he wouldn't get his answers. His legs moved, trying to catch up as Lacy began to blend into the crowd, but just as he came close to catch her...





The whole hall was filled with continuous pop-up notifications catching everyone's attention. Lui ran towards Shu's side as she searched for Lacy, who had run off during the seconds of time gap when Shu got distracted by the notification. Lui placed his hands on Shu's shoulders, softly comforting him as he took his phone to look at the notification. Lui's eyes widened with pure horror and shock as he saw his stock and transactions for his company had fallen more than 50%. Shu panicked by this, picked up his phone to receive a direct call from his office, only to hear a panicked voice speak out that the stocks and transactions had fallen more than 50% for his company as well.

Everyone scrambled for their phones, their faces etched with horror as they witnessed their stock prices plummet by over 50% in a matter of seconds. The once confident air crackled with a collective gasp. Not even the esteemed de la Hoya and Rachel families, titans of industry, were spared.

Shu and Lui exchanged a panicked glance. A horrifying truth dawned over lui as he realised something – he knew exactly who the culprit was. It all clicked into place – Lacy's enigmatic smirk before entering the hall, a place where no one would recognise her after all these years.

From the shadows of the second floor balcony, Lacy watched the unfolding chaos with a hint of disappointment in her voice. "These idiots still don't know when to give up, no matter what... Tsk... I thought it was their way of bey-battling."  A wry smile played on her lips as she melted back into the darkness, her target – the secluded balcony with its convenient access to the bushes below.

"Damn, this dress is a nightmare," she grumbled, eyeing the dizzying drop. A graceful escape in this cumbersome gown seemed impossible. "Maybe pants and a shirt... or a suit for crying out loud!"

With a nervous glance down, Lacy took a deep breath and, muttering a silent prayer, "here goes nothing!" lacy leaped off the balcony, shutting her eyes tight.

"What the f**k do you think you are doing?!" A loud, deep voice filled with anger startled her. Startled, she flung open her mismatched heterochromia eyes which was one purple and one red to meet Shu's furious red eyed gaze.

"what the f-!! Shu! Let go of me!" she shrieked, fear coursing through her veins as the thought of dragging him down with her took hold.

Ignoring her pleas, Shu tightened his grip. "Did you lose your mind? You'll hurt yourself if you jump from the second floor!"

Lacy, her eyes wide with disbelief, countered, "I know what I'm doing and Moron, I know what I'm capable of...!!!" She struggled against his hold, her other hand searching for a way to escape his hold.

"That dress of your is dang heavy!" Shu growled, more out of frustration than anything else.

His unintentional dig triggered a fresh wave of irritation. "If it bothers you, just put me down!" lacy screamed out...but,

THIS LOVE WAS FRAMED?? Shu x OC x Lui!Where stories live. Discover now