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"damn girl if it was u they would just fuck u off... just be happy u weren't there ok! u r pissing me damn off... KEEP UR MOUTH SHUT NOW!!"



i didn't think twice about opening my mouth as a heavy blush covered my face as smokes came off my head... free ran his hand through his hair in embarrassment as he looked away with a sign and that is when the doorbell rang

"it's probably a stalker and they might be here to take me, who is going to come here at late night!? will ya go for me free?!" 

i sweet-talked as an angry vein popped out of his head, i smirked in return as he went out slamming the bedroom door... and in the meantime, i went to change myself to short pants and a crop top making 70-80% of my skin naked! come on i need comfort while sleeping and free will be in the next room anyway so why worry!? i thought as i walked down the stairs to make some late-night hot chocolate which i carved...

only to see free-standing on the door wat speechless as i asked "who is it free?" and the only reply he gave was "the stalker u talked about... he is here!" i gave him a shocked look as i said "stalker, who is that?! i was just kidding though?!" i said as i walked forward to see!

"SHU!? LUI?!" 

i gasped as their eyes widen when they saw me as they jumped on me and scolded me "who allowed u to were such reveling clothes!? what dress is this...! it is cold u know right!?" they said one by one in sync as they shook me hard... i looked at free from the side to see him sweatdropped... 'ho boy this is troublesome' i thought as i got out of their grip and sat on the sofa in between both of them! 

all i can remember in this intense scene is the word that free said a few mins ago!! and the worst of all free noticed it as he gave me a smirk which I turned away as lui and shu glared at free which he ignored like ignoring a bee humming...

and suddenly Lui said "we will be staying here from now on!" my eyes widen as i turned around and looked at his face... as he is taller than me I am ought to look up and well my face went red just by seeing him as shu nodded his head... 

the worst part was free just accepting as if saying 'yes' to something that is not important...

a heavy sign left in the tiredness of these two's toucher of love as I stood up and went to the fridge grabbing a bag of chips as I walked to the sofa and plopped turning the TV on!

"What are u planning on watching?!"  shu asked as i just shrugged and continued scrolling but suddenly free snatched the remote as he said "give me! i will choose a good horror movie!" he said as my face turned pale as i shouted! "the horror! u idiot no way give it back to me!" i said as i tried grabbing the remote from his hand as lui got it saying! 

"Just shut it up! we don't have all night! select on fast! or give me the remote!" he said as shu came in supporting lui as i began getting aggressive as i shouted, "give me the remote back!" 


some random movie got selected and our eyes moved to the screen to see what was going on as every one of us froze in the position we were in and to my bad... *gasp!*

"w-what th-!" 

i gasped shocked to see an adult-themed scene going on the TV... from a movie and my face shone brightly to red as i just looked at all the boy's faces! they were frozen in shock to see the scene on the TV where the ML and FL are mating!

and then my eyes traveled to the position that we guys got pushed into! and that one thing was enough to make me shout!

"AAAaaaaaaaaaghhhhhhhhh! just fucking get down u perverts!" i shouted as i punched all of them down finally managing to get out of them as i laid down on the sofa... as i thought of the person who left the movie scene resumed in the middle and the person who dares to watch that type of movie... and just by thought, an angry vein popped out of me!

as i screamed "WAKIYA!!!!!!!!!!!!! ur dead!" making shu, lui and free jump in their place of shock as i heard free mumbling "may be watching movies was a bad idea!" as i got off the sofa as i said "u three sleep however u guys want! imma going to sleep alone!" i went to the room slamming the door on their face as i heard an annoying scream from lui and a shu who is trying to calm him down as i chuckled as i remembered the old memories that i miss...

walking slowly i laid myself down on the bed thinking about having a bad feeling of tomorrow! as i closed my eyes thing of hydayah and Gabe a small smile crept on my face as i fell in the world of dreams...


'h-hot! h-hot... its god damn fucking hot..'

"who the god damn, offed the AC...!" i wined as i squeezed my eyes open as i tried moving my body only to find myself trapped!

"what the f-!" i cut myself off to see the pose i am in... heavy blush was all over my face as i saw shu sleeping hugging my waist as his head buried my well-grown breast as lui big spooned both me and shu with one hand as another arm lui held me as his hand went down to my thing holding them!

i was on heavy blush situation as my mind screamed at the tension as suddenly door opened! "free!" i gasped at the awkward situation, i am in... free and i had a long awkward eye contact as i raised my hand for help but as soon as he saw my hand he just blankly said, "i didn't see anything, i didn't see u being hugged by ur boyfriends in their sleep... sorry and bye!" 


i was left shocked when he left as an angry vein popped out... i clenched my hand but instead...

"ngh... aaahh....!"

a loud moan left out of my mouth as i froze in shock... as i heard free split his tea in shock by the sound i made just now... as i nervously laughed. i saw shu... adjusting himself in between my breast as lui got adopted to the shu's movement but all their movement somehow ends up to my weakness...

i had enough as i slowly woke lui up first but well... both of them woke by my movement... i expected them to scream and leave me... but i forgot they were not the cutie pie anymore... at first they seemed shocked but tightened their grip around me as i squealed in shock... 

"w-wait... w-we have the class to go on...!"

so, guys, I am going to make an announcement so please go to the main page of my account and please make sure to check it!

and support me!



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