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u know what guys... i just am really depressed about my writing style i mean i write my essays and summary to a top notch style at class with an A+ but my story looks like a kindergarten kid's summary 🥹🥹



his voice trailed off, replaced by my nervous gulp as my heart hammered against my ribs. His next words hung heavy in the air, "be our maid for a week." My eyes widened in shock, my cheeks flushing crimson. "What the-" I started, the curse dying on my lips as I locked eyes with him, my gaze sharp and firm. This wasn't a game anymore. But before I could protest further, I felt a familiar pull. "Princess," a deep voice rumbled, sending shivers down my spine, "remember, you never had a choice." Lui's voice...

I groaned, a low, defeated sound that only earned a chuckle from Lui. Was this his way of getting back at me? A whimper escaped my lips, and I could only nod in reluctant agreement. My once dominant spirit felt subdued, worn down by their relentless control. Shu pulled me into a hug with his domincance hung on, a tight grip over me as if he could lose me anytime... his voice thick with emotion, "I missed your scent." the sentence that drove 100 of unspoken emotions into me... a sudden burst of inbuilt feeling. I clung to his shirt, whispering barely breaking down, "I missed you too. Both of you so much. But..." Hesitation choked my voice. Before I could finish, Lui snapped, "Snap it out, Lacy!" his patience off the chart, making him impatient "I can't stay here forever," I whispered, my voice barely audible. "Besides, you have each other now. Why me? It's not practical think properly we cannot be together forever..." Shu's eyes narrowed, and Lui let out a frustrated growl. "Don't deny the truth, deep down both of you knew it" I countered, a hint of defiance creeping into my voice. A sad smile played on my lips as Shu stormed off with a loud 'Tsk', leaving us alone on the terrace. I sighed, defeated i know 'i cannot control them off that easily' i thought, the tension draining from me.

"You're not the same Lacy," Lui stated, his voice laced with something that sounded suspiciously like... disappointment? I met his gaze, with a smirk placed on my lips of course i am not affected by his statement... i mean i liked his comment it make me rethink my past and who i was before...i held my chin high. "Time changes people, Lui. So, did you... so did shu? so, did i? Everyone of us changed, look around" i stated proudly of who i am now even at the most distressed situation. He scowled, a flicker of something resembling vulnerability crossing his features. I chuckled softly, "Truth is a stubborn thing, even for you."

"Don't forget the Meeting tomorrow, sharp on time," he muttered, his anger barely contained. "Sure thing," I agreed, walking away with a hidden chuckle. Tears welled up in my eyes, blurring my vision as i tried maintaining my composure. Life is indeed a complicated dance. "Heading home, bubbly?" a familiar voice greeted me at the school gates with a tease in his voice. It was Free, his presence a welcome comfort. I offered a small, sad smile. "Yeah, let's go." i stated walking away... I casted one last glance back at the school. Through the classroom window, I saw shu gazing out, and lui, a statue of barely concealed emotions.

"Life is indeed difficult with complexity ," I whispered, couple of tears escaping down my cheek. Free offered a reassuring pat on the back, a silent promise of understanding. The unspoken tension between me and free hung heavy in the air, a tangled web of emotions that threatened to unravel at any moment.


A heavy sigh escaped Lacy's lips as she signed the document, her heart a tangled mess of emotions. Glancing around the deserted hallway for a fleeting moment of reassurance, a small, humorless chuckle bubbled up in her chest. "Maybe it all ends today," she murmured, the words laced with a bitter hope.

Pushing open the grand oak doors of the meeting hall, Lacy was met with a cacophony of chatter and clinking glasses. The air thrummed with an energy that felt a world away from the turmoil within her. Hundreds of people milled about, a sea of glittering gowns and tailored suits, all swirling around a lavish buffet that could feed a small nation. It was a billionaire's playground, a dazzling display of wealth meant to impress and intimidate.

lacy, however, was invisible. Just another face in the crowd. At least, for now. A flicker of defiance sparked in her eyes. "Not yet," she thought, a mischievous grin tugging at her lips.

Just then, a deep, gravelly voice sliced through the din, sending a jolt of electricity down her spine. "What are you chuckling about?" lacy spun around, her breath catching in her throat. It was Lui, his piercing gaze fixed on her. Unlike her, his eyes held no amusement, only a steely glint that sent shivers dancing down her arms. He hadn't forgotten, not a bit of what happened yesterday and it was clearly visible in his eyes. A nervous smile plastered itself on her face as she offered a meek wave.

"Hi," she squeaked, attempting to melt into the background. But Lui wasn't having any of it.

"Aren't you here to finish what you started?" he rumbled, his voice low and dangerous. lacy froze, her heart hammering against her ribs. She didn't meet his gaze, but the panic was evident in her shaky voice. "Maybe," she mumbled, a sliver of defiance peeking through. "Maybe not."With a slow, deliberate turn, lacy started to walk away, a hint of a smirk playing on her lips. Lui growled, a low rumble in his chest.

"Don't play those 'maybe' crap games, lacy," he snapped, his voice laced with frustration.

Ignoring him, lacy weaved through the throng of people, finally reaching a quiet corner. She sank into a plush chair, the chatter and clinking glasses fading into a distant hum. Around her, people mingled, their conversations a tapestry of business deals and veiled threats. But lacy felt utterly alone. A delicious aroma caught her attention, and her stomach growled in protest. "Food," she thought, a small smile tugging at the corner of her lips. "At least there's that."

Just as she reached for a pastry, a hand gently wrapped around hers, sending a jolt of surprise through her. A warm body pressed close, and the familiar scent of vanilla cologne washed over her, instantly easing the tension in her shoulders.

"Shu!" she whispered, her voice barely audible.

He chuckled softly, his touch sending shivers down her spine in a delicious mix of fear and longing. "You need to eat a lot, bunny," he said, using a nickname that instantly brought a blush to her cheeks. "I-I know!" she stammered, her voice flustered.

Shu ignored her stutter, piling a selection of delicacies onto her plate. lacy let him, stunned silence, biting her lip as her mind raced. Was he pretending nothing had happened? Or was he still determined to win her back?

Suddenly, a voice boomed across her thoughts, shattering the fragile bubble they had created. "Lacy!" lacy flinched, her eyes darting towards Shu. He stood tall and imposing, clad in a sleek black suit, his jaw clenched tight. "Shu, listen," she began, her voice barely a whisper.

He cut her off, his gaze filled with a raw emotion that took her breath away. "I won't pretend it didn't happen, Lacy. To be honest you were right," he admitted, his voice thick with pain. He tightened his grip around her waist, sending another wave of heat radiating through her.

"But," he continued, his voice dropping to a husky murmur, "I just can't let you walk away like this. I can't let go of the fact that I loved you too."

Tears welled up in Rachel's eyes, blurring her vision. The dam holding back her emotions finally broke. Tears streamed down her cheeks as she pushed away from him, a sob escaping her lips. She yearned for his warmth, for the love they once shared for years, but the pain of their past was too raw.

"I don't hate anyone," she choked out, her voice thick with tears."But in the end i was always choice that you both let go off..."



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