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after having a small chat with free i went to the class skipping my lunch as i spent my whole time talking with free... and as for free his lunch period timing differed and he just skipped his fitness class... so ya i am the only one who is empty stomach 'aggr...' i screened mentally as i opened the class door harshly making everyone in the class to jerk by the loud thud... 

i noticed everyone's eye on me which includes shu, lui, hydayah, and Gabe i just ignored them and sat in my place which had an empty place next to it, which belonged to free... like nearly half of the class was empty as they were in a different session... i moved my chair and sat in my place as i took my iPhone out and began listening to songs on it wearing my headphone... 

the whole class was doing their best and concentrated on studying for the upcoming exams as i just sat and listened to songs scrolling down the phone... well that is what they think... but my phone is one of the hell weapons that controls 3/4 of the world's economics... 

just like the proverb 'be in a place where ur enemy least expects you to be...' well i just twisted it... 'have secrets in the place where your enemy least expect it to be!' 

no matter what they search in my phone all they will get is the only songs of pop and kpop! just like that school got over and i went home... not even daring to give a look nor care about shu nor lui... 


it was a nice present weathered evening where many people in town go and relax and spend time with their loved ones, it is none other than the coffee shop, a place where people all around the area come and enjoy themself... just seeing the busy people with a pleasant smile will make anyone's heart warm-up i have been working here for a past year just to reduce my stress level and depression out of me... 

i work on the delivery side, i am given a certain number of tables under my control in which i have to receive and treat the customer... some of them give tips and some give feedback about me which decided my salary but the fun fact... i never get my salary nor anything from the shop cause the whole shop belongs to me and non of the worker other than the manager know!

as a fresh new day in the shop began i took the work of cashier, i was not in the mood to roam around continuously and the school was already at its peak... but the thought of relaxing went wrong when i saw the crowd arising! "holy shit i am glad i didn't take waitress part today!" i thought loud as my co-worker chuckled and agreed with me! well, the day went well busy, the evening went just like that as night came and the closing time came in...  crowded coffee went a bit quiet with small amount of customers...


I and my co-worker are the ones who are holding the whole shop as the other workers went to take rest and just as that, there was the bell sound... as the door opened... "welcome to our coffee shop si-" my eyes widen in shock to see... SHU! AND LUI! no way i gasped in surprise as they both stared at me eyes widen as i stood there unable to respond to anything!

my co-worker seemed to be confused and i had no idea what was on her mind... i guess she thought i fell for shu and lui at the first sight well the same reaction i got from my class girls can't be blamed though! 

i anime cried as i thought 'never expected my life to become a living Kdrama' i signed as my friend took the order from both lui and shu she smiled and led them the way to the table as i heard shu whisper something to lui and both of them... are smirking i guess... i thought as i  made some other customer's order... 

now as my co-worker got everything settled for shu and lui... i saw lui whispering something to her... and i noticed him look at me... and shit... he got me staring at him... i blushed and turned away as shu chuckled at the scene as lui finished his whisper the co-worker smirked at me as i tried ignoring it and making the orders i have...

she then came to me and tapped my should as she whispered "the boys in table number 16 wish to have you serve them... and you seemed to fall for them at the first sight i guess... better luck in picking one of them...!" she whispered as an anger vein popped out...

this girl... and those idiots, both of them are literal jerks, i thought as i looked at both of them with my purely flustered red face as they smirked at me...

i then cleared my throat and calmed myself down so i don't faint from the blood pressure! damn you both sue you! i thought in my mind as i walked forward trying my best to control my emotions... 

i walked towards their table and said... "may i know your order sir!" both of them just returned me a soft smile... 'damn i just want to kiss and hug them so badly... i missed them so much...' i thought as lui began saying the order... "i would like a coffee filled with love!" he said as shu continued with a smirk "and i would prefer a love cake!" 

and that was enough my face again went bright red like a tomato as both of them had this smirk that surely knows how to have me under their control, you damn basterds i thought while cursing as i stuttered and answered "s-sir please r-read the m-menu card a-and order...!" i said as both of them chuckled as shu said...

"ho, my apologies... i would like a cappuccino and lui would go with chocolate cake with vanilla flakes on them...!" he said as he looked at me with a smirk and there he go... he winked his eyes as he licked his lips, lui chuckled and there i was blushing mess again... 'damn you shu Kurenai and lui shirosaige...!' i cursed inside my mind...

i bowed and went to prepare them as my co-worker had this smirk which made sure to send a heavy shiver on my back as i said "that's enough girl... i know you are waiting to get some info about those boys... they are actually my classmates and they are a bit flittery... and i have no interest in them... don't try hard!"

i said as she wined in disappointment... i chuckled softly as i served my order to shu and lui...and after a long term of 20 min, everything got over... it was time for them to leave as they paid their bill... i smiled and thanked them as a worker as suddenly lui grabbed my wrist and pulled me towards him as i squealed making both of them chuckle in amusement...

"my co-workers might see!" i said as shu from my back... grabbed my other wrist and bought him closer to me as he whispered, "don't worry... no one is in this shop now other than us three... your co-worker went to take rest!" he said as lui suddenly licked my ear making me let out a sudden gasped moan making both of them chuckle...

i stood there weakly in between both of them as i softly said "let me go... we are in public...!" as lui giggled and said "yes we are... but we will let you go... if you teach us one thing...!" he said as i looked at both of them in shock and confused as I looked at them like as lost kid... shu suddenly tilted my neck a bit, as he marked my neck with a hickey which made me moan as lui got the moan from my lips with his lips making my eyes widen not giving me a time to process... both of them sharing with full cooperation and partnership making me perfectly go under their control as i moaned again as shu made another one, my eyes hazed with white clouds as they finally let me go as i stood there red hot mess as shu whispered the last sentence...



so hi guys it has been a long and finally, my exams are done and here i am back!!  YAAAA!!! rock it, man let's continue the mess that lacy dug herself into... the once innocent shu and lui are not hot and sexy boys with high cleverness what will she do our princess... Follow me to find it out!!

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