'L - E - V - I'

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Quick A/N;

can't read/understand   =   -

(this'll make more sense
later, don't worry)

A Few weeks later;

Your fingers skimmed over the delicate letter of a page, your eyes squinted with both intrigue and confusion as you attempted to sound out each letter.

"Ec-Ep-.. Eh? What?" You muttered with frustrated eyes, before sighing as your head slammed against the pages tiredly, "This is so difficult.."

"What's difficult?" A sudden deep voice asked from behind as your body flinched.

Your head brought up as your eyes widened, before you slammed the thick book shut, your eyes glaring back behind you.

Levi took a step back, his hands out with a taken-aback shock as you swallowed awkwardly, "Hey-.. Hey. Calm it; what's wrong?"

You sighed frustratedly before hiding the book in the crevice of your jacket, guiltily looking up at the ceiling as his ebony eyebrow raised.
"Goodbye, I'm going to my bedroom."

"Huh-.. But, wait, are you oka-?"

However, before the black-haired man could finish his sentence: you left the room.

Levi's eyebrow raised with an even more confused face than yours, curious as to what you were trying to hide from him.

The same thing happened the next day: or at least, this time he made sure to stay hidden behind the door, his goal now to find out what you were attempting to hide.

He clicked his tongue, his eyes squinting as he watched you sit with the same book infront of you: the same table: the same chair: the same concentrated and confused glare in your e/c eyes.

You were jotting down notes, holding the pen in a strange fashion. Your fingers ran to your lip before you groaned, throwing your body back into your chair.

"Mmph." He grunted, "This is way too difficult.."

You began to close the book, the cover making no sense in correlation to what you were doing, before his eyes lit up as he began to realise why you looked so frustrated.

He opened the door fully, the creak causing you to flinch as you reacted the same as yesterday, quickly hiding the book behind your jacket.

"Hey." He began, taking more steps forward.

"H-Hello.." You murmured, "Listen, sorry, but I really need to get goi-.."

Levi held onto your shoulders, pushing you back down to your chair as you swallowed anxiously.
"Oi.." He spoke in a brooding tone, "Where do you think you're going? I want you to do something for me."

"What?" You swallowed.

He pushed his hand past your chest, getting hold of the book as you sighed.

He slowly placed it against the table, flicking through to a random page before pointing at a completely random sentence, "Read that sentence for me."

Your eyebrows creased together, "Excuse me?"

"Do it."

"You can't tell me what to do!"

"Do. It." The Captain ordered you in a stern tone, before you sheepishly gave in.

"Fine!" You gave in, your lips twitching into a frown, "F-Fine.." You swallowed, your lips curling downwards.

𝐈𝐍𝐒𝐎𝐌𝐍𝐈𝐀𝐂,   levi ackerman 18+Where stories live. Discover now