New Beings

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I was running through the streets to get to Eli's house. Not gonna lie, I was also pretty salty towards him.

When I finally got there, I saw Toby park his bike against the house.

"Hey, Toby!" I called as I got closer.

"R.G." He said, "Did Eli make you come here too?"

"Yep." I took out my phone, "He sent me 20 messages. Yeah. I counted."

"Ugh! He better have a good reason for this. Come on, give me a boost."

I hoisted Toby high enough so he could climb to the window. Once he was up, I climbed after him.

I heard Toby tap the glass until it opened. He shoved his phone in Eli's face, "A thousand texts! You sent us, like, a thousand texts!" Toby flopped onto the floor, as I crawled inside.

"Seriously, Eli?" I said, "I was in the middle of something and your call almost broke my back."

"Steve wasn't answering my calls." Eli said when Toby got up. He started shaking Toby's shoulders, "I have to tell someone."

"What, that your voice dropped? Man, I'm still waiting for mine to do that." Toby said, "Why is it so dark in here?"

"Focus, Guys!"

"Ok, ok! Tell us what?"

"Something that's gonna rock your world, guys." Eli turned on a flashlight under his face, "Things in this town are not what they seem."

"Really? Was the huge ray of light shooting up from the canals your fist clue?"

"Nothing we didn't already know." I shrugged.

"That's just the tip of the iceberg. Check it." Eli unveiled a tarp, revealing a bulletin board with pictures and string, like something from a cop show.

"Wow, dude, you've gotta get out more." Toby said.

In the very center with the most pictures was evidence of trolls, "I've been putting the pieces together for months." Eli shined a light on the labels.

"Trolls, sure." Toby said.

"Grew up with them." I said.

"Wizards? Hmm, I've met a couple."

There wasn't much in the Wizards section, but it included a picture of me at the school.

"Did you always think I was a wizard?" I asked.

"Just a hunch." Eli said.

"Ok. Just don't take pictures of me without my permission!"

Eli shined the light on a particular label, "Wait. Aliens? So you think there are, what, aliens in Arcadia?" Toby asked.

"And more. People aren't who they seem, Tobes. Look." Eli held up a picture of two glowing blue humanoid figures with four arms and compared it to a picture of Aja and Krel.

"Ok, I get it! You think Aja and Krel are aliens?"


"Aja and Krel are aliens! And if I've learned anything after season six of Earth Invaders, they're not here to make friends." Eli said.

"Whoa, whoa, whoa." I said, "You can't be serious. I'm not saying that aliens aren't possible, but them?"

Eli turned on the light, "I'm serious, Rose Gold. I'm going to need you guys, your magic, whip, and your war hammer. We're gonna set traps all around Arcadia. We'll use my phone to notify us. I just downloaded an app called, 'Trap My Friends.'"

TOA: Rose Gold's Adventure Book 2Where stories live. Discover now