Strange Magic

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I don't know how long I was under that lamp. It was probably hours. The whole time I was crying.

I had just learned the truth about my parents.

I thought they never loved me when it was the exact opposite. They loved me and I'm alive because of it.

I was so ungrateful.

Maybe I didn't deserve to--

"Rose Gold?"

I looked up.

Through my tears, I saw Krel. He was kneeling by me and looked concerned, "What happened?"

I was about to respond, but all that came out was sobs.

Krel pushed some hair out of my face and hugged me, "It's ok. It's ok." He ran his hand through my hair, trying to calm me down. It worked enough to tell him what happened.

"I know what happened to my parents." I said.

Krel pulled away to look at me, "You did?"

I nodded, "My mom was a wizard, who struggled with magic, like me. My dad was a jewelry store owner, a geek about stones and metals and sold replicas of my necklace. I'm alive because they protected me." I cried again, "My whole life, I said they never loved me, but they did. I never considered that I got my power from them. They gave up their lives for me and I was ungrateful. They'd hate me if they saw me now. I don't deserve my magic."

Krel put his hand on my cheek, making me look at him. He was more serious now, "Listen to me. Looking at you, everything you are. You're always there to help others and always trying to learn new things, even if you're reluctant at first. Your parents would be proud if they saw you now."

His face grew softer as he gave me a small smile.

"You really think so?" I asked.

"I know it."

I took a few deep breaths to calm down. Maybe he was right. Just another thing I wouldn't know about my parents. But this time, I should assume they'd be proud of me.

Krel and I stood up, "You want to go on an errand with me?" He asked.

I nodded. I didn't care where we were going, I just didn't want to be alone right now.

We didn't say much on our walk to a place called Hex Tech. But it was a comfortable silence.

I wiped my tears away by the time we sat down. We had to wait for like half an hour. I didn't even notice Krel had a bag with him.

"So, what do you need here?" I asked.

"Ricky's been glitching. I don't have what I need to fix him, so I thought I'd stop here." He explained.

"Serving number 66." The girl at the front called.

"Ay, ay, ay." Krel and I got up and walked to the counter.

"How can I make your day magical, sir?" The girl asked.

"I need spare parts for, uh... my dad." Krel dumped the bag onto the counter, Ricky's head falling out.

"An apple a-a-a day k-keeps the doctor away." Ricky glitched, "What are you looking at? It's my head, isn't it?"


"Not the weirdest thing I've seen today." Uhl said.

Krel chuckled nervously, "Do you carry transdimensional processors?"

The door opened and the gang walked in, "Zoe!" Douxie said, "We need a place to lay low."

Oh, my gosh! I completely forgot about them!

TOA: Rose Gold's Adventure Book 2Where stories live. Discover now