Meteor Shower

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I couldn't stop thinking about Krel's kiss.

He actually kissed me!

I've been kissed!!

I stopped myself from getting too excited. It's not like it was a lip kiss, it was a "thank you" kiss. He made it clear that we don't have a chance and I went along with it to save face.

If he's serious about this and knows how I feel, it would be the end of me. I don't want to crash and burn like I did with Douxie, but I can't do nothing like I did with Jim.

I don't know what to do about Krel. All I can do is be the love interest in Toby's movie and be Krel's friend. I still think about the kiss a lot. I blush every time I do.

I'm so pathetic.

I still can't believe that I technically met Krel before. That's where the odd device came from. I've thought about whether or not I should give it back to him, but I decided to hold on to it, at least for now.

One night, Toby, Eli, Krel and I were filming in town with Luug. Eli was running and screaming while Toby filmed Luug, his shadow making him look bigger than he really was.

Again, I wasn't in the scene, but I was doing effects.

When Eli screamed, Krel zoomed in on his hoverboard reciting his lines, "Never to worry, young Homo sapien." He almost fell off the board when he stopped, "DJ Kleb is here to... Seklos and Gaylen!"

"Uh, don't think that line will play, Krel." Toby said, "What are you looking at-- Oh, no!"

Our jaws dropped when we saw what Krel was looking at.

"Everybody, out of the way!" Krel said. He pushed us out of the way to take cover on the ground.

A flaming meteor crashed into a building, and onto the street, flipping a car. A car part landed on the road, sending some people into a panic.

My eyes were wide as I tried to breathe. On top of that, Krel saved me. Well, he saved all of us, but he saved me.

No! Focus!

"What.... was that?" I managed to say.

"Whaaat?" Toby freaked out.

We went to where the meteor landed, which burned a hole in the ground.

"Tell me you got that on tape." Eli said as they fist bumped.

"So, that's your response to a near death experience?" I asked.

"Hey, you gotta grab footage every chance you get."

"We should get this back to Mother." Krel said, collecting a chunk of the meteor.

"Looks like you got to save me after all." I smirked.

"I thought I'd even the odds, Magic Waters."

"What did you call me?"

"Oh. I was still learning your name when I was calling you that. I'm sorry, I thought I'd know your name by now." Krel rubbed his arm and looked away from me with a sheepish look.

Was he embarrassed?

"I... don't mind, actually." I said.

"Really?" He perked up.

"Yeah, Royal Nerd."

"Alright, Magic Waters." We laughed and my chest got warm.

He's so cute.


We went back to Mother to analyzing the meteorite, "This meteorite is debris from a category 20 meteor shower originating from the Oxiom Galaxy some 500 light-keltons away."

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