Class In Session

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Apparently, Toby had to go back to school for over the summer since he missed a couple days Trollhunting.


Douxie was gonna be out of town for a few days, so I thought I'd join Toby since I had nothing better to do. Aaarrrggghhh!!! and Amber came along, and we all just sat in the back of the room.

I almost didn't notice Aja and Krel were there. That doesn't make a lot of sense.

Coach Lawrence walked in the room, "Welcome to summer school! All right, listen up, slackers. This is boot camp for your brain." He looked over a clipboard, "Now... What? Aaarrrggghhh!!!? Amber? Waters?"

He noticed me, Amber and Aaarrrggghhh!!! in the back of the room. Aaarrrggghhh!!! was trying to adjust himself in his small desk, "What are you doing here?"

The desk inevitably broke and Aaarrrggghhh!!! ate a book.

"Uh... he's looking to expand his educational horizons." Toby explained.

"Also got hungry." Aaarrrggghhh!!! said.

"Just imagine if we got you on the wrestling team." Lawrence said, "We'd finally make it to state! I'm getting ahead of myself. Amber, what about you?"

"I'm just tagging along." She said, "Not like there's much to do, why not check out the school during the day."

"And you, Waters?"

"She doesn't even go here!" A random kid said. (I've never seen Mean Girls, I just wanted to use that quote)

"Same as Amber, I just wanted to see what school was all about." I shrugged.

"Alright, we gotta do attendance."

Coach noticed something on the clipboard and got confused, "Wait, Tarron? You don't belong here."

"Finally, we agree on something." Krel said, getting up from his seat.

"Slow your roll, DJ Kleb. Aja, it says you need to make up gym? But you're my star athlete."

"This doesn't make any sense." Aja said as Coach kept rambling, "There must be some mistake. What are you in for?"

"I missed 45 days of school." Toby explained, "Apparently Trollhunting's not good for your GPA. You ok over there, wingman?"

Aaarrrggghhh!!! kept eating books, "Education tasty. Huh?"

Everyone noticed there were some trucks pulling up outside the school. Not the strangest thing, but it was still odd.

Guys in weird orange suits came out of the trucks and were heading towards the school. There was a woman in a green uniform and a man with a clipboard behind her.

"Oh, no." Aja said, "We gotta go."

We all left the room to see what was going on. The weird guys were inside the school, confusing everyone.

Aja, Amber, Krel, Toby, Aaarrrggghhh!!! and I hid in the hall, listening to the woman talking to Coach.

"Colonel Kubritz, Scientific Military Division." The woman said to coach, "There's been reports of a localized biohazard. We have to make sure no one is infected with this foreign pathogen lest we have a full-blown outbreak."

"The school's healthy, doc." Coach said, "I should know. I teach gym."

"That's our judgment to make. Seal the premises. Level Seven Medical Quarantine."

"What is going on?" Amber asked.

We kept listening and Coach was freaking out.

"This school is now under my control. No one gets in, no one gets out." Kubritz said.

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