Going Back

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(I forgot to mention in the last chapter, Amber's here too. I'm too lazy to go back and edit the story, so just pretend she's been there the whole time.)

I know what you're thinking; why didn't you just use your magic? Because I wasn't going to reveal myself again. Yeah, they already know I'm a wizard, but I'd rather not remind them. Besides, I didn't want to potentially make things worse for us.

We were shoved in a truck.

I don't know why, but Vex woke up screaming, making Toby, Eli, and Steve scream.

"Pipe down back there!" A guard yelled pounding on the truck."

"We've been moving for like 20 minutes." Amber said, "A little late to freak out, don't you think?"

"Hey, it's never too late to freak out." Steve said.

Vex was tied in chains, "You humans don't seem to understand what a rescue mission entails."

Aja and Krel were unconscious next to him. I gasped softly. This was all my fault, if only I was there sooner.

"Oh, Krel." I said, "I'm so, so, sorry."

"Aja!" Steve said "My ninja-kicking angel."

"Angel?" Aja said. She opened her eyes and sprung them back into place after they spun around, "I'm not dead, silly."

"Whoa, my gosh!" I freaked out.

Steve screamed and jumped back, "What happened to your face."

"Wakey, wakey, eggs and bakey." Aja and Krel flickered, revealing themselves to be Lucy and Ricky.

"Mrs. Lucy? Aja is Mrs. Lucy? Are they the same person?" Steve pried open Lucy's mouth, "Aja, are you in there? Can you hear me?"

"I almost poured my heart out to the blank?" I groaned as I facepalmed.

"Calm yourself, young oaf." Vex said as he got out of the chains, "I suspect Aja and Krel are fine, thanks to these two."

"I'm a helper." Ricky said.

I let out a sigh of relief. At least they were ok.

Lucy lit up her pointer finger like a blow torch.

"I don't even know who you are anymore, Aja." Steve said.

Lucy used her finger to make a door on the side of the truck, "Surf's up, buckaroos!" She kicked it open, and surfed out of the truck on the piece she just broke off into the rain. Well, that was unexpected.

"I like her!" Amber said.

"Move out!" Vex said.

Aaarrrggghhh!!! went next, then Ricky, then Toby.

"Ok, I can do this." Steve said to himself, "Who's the man? I'm the man!" Vex pushed him out.

Amber jumped out no problem as I followed, joining everyone else into the rainy street.

Vex jumped out holding Eli. "I did it!" Eli said, getting up.

"What?" Vex said, "You did nothing! Are you all unharmed?"

"Well, what's it look like?" Ricky asked, decapitated.

"Oof." I muttered.

"Oh, honey, are you ok?" Lucy asked as she went to him.

"I have a little headache, actually."

"Oh, no! Ricky!"

"According to my geo-positioning system, we're still several horvaths away from Arcadia." Vex said, looking at a map.

"You could say we haven't made a lot of 'head-way.'" Ricky said.

"Oh!" Lucy said, "You made a funny, honey."

"Thanks. I was worried that one might go over your head."

"Ok, don't press your luck."

Ricky's body was just wandering around on its own.

"How are we gonna get back?" I asked.

"Stuart's not answering." Vex said looking at his phone thing, "Varvatos forgot-- he has aerobics class on Tuesdays. Tobias, you must recruit your nana."

"To drive us?" Toby asked, "She's legally blind."

"Well, considering my non-saggy appearance, her ocular deficiency may be for the best. We must expedite our return. The king and queen-in-waiting are in danger!"

"Toby, call your nana." I said, holding my wand in his face, "Now."

"Ok, ok." He said, "No need to get hostile."

Eventually, Toby got his nana to come get us, except he was the one driving.

"Now remember, Toby Pie, you want to keep your hands at 5:00 and 7:00." Nana said.

"Coach Lawrence says they're supposed to be at 10:00 and 2:00." Toby replied.

"Coach Lawrence is a square dear. We're going so slow." Nana then slammed her foot on the gas, making us go faster.

"Who knew student driving was such a brutal form of torture?" Vex said.

"Car worse than gyre." Aaarrrggghhh!!! said.

"You never told me your nana was so cool!" Amber shouted.


Eventually, we made it to Aja and Krel's house, Aaarrrggghhh!!! attacking the robots firing at us.

"Don't worry, we'll hold them off." Toby said to Vex.

"No one messes with my girlfriend!" Steve yelled.

We all fought the robots and kept them from coming into the house. I used my magic and whip. We held them off for as long as we could. After all that, Toby got a tip saying we had to go to Stuart's place.

This night just won't stop.

(This episode had a random jump cut from the last time we see them to the next one, so I had to make it make sense as much as I could)

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