A Lovely Night

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After hanging out with Amber all morning, I decided to stop by Aja and Krel's place. I knew Krel might need help with the wormhole he was building for them to go home.

Aja and Steve were at the door, "Oh, hey guys. What's up?"

"Just picking something up for Krel." Aja said.

We went inside the house together, "Someone order an anti-vortex siphon?" Steve called.

Krel came in through the door in the fireplace, "Finally, the Staja comes through!"

"Staja?" I asked, "That's your couple name?"

Luug jumped through the portal, "Come here, boy!" Aja said. Luug jumped onto Steve, freaking him out, "Good boy."

"Luug, get off me!" Steve said.

Krel picked up what Aja and Steve brought.

"Oh, the wormhole generator." Stuart marveled, "Hey, any chance you could get that thing up and running by, say, this afternoon before Stuey goes kablooey?"

"Why?" Aja asked, "Is Kubritz after you now?"

"I have been keeping four eyes on Kubritz." Vex said, "She appears to be 'lying low,' as the humans say. Stuart has a worse stalker-- his ex-girlfriend."

"Ooh." I gasped, "Stuart has a history!"

A large purple creature with four yellow and purple eyes peeked through the window, freaking Steve out, "Hello, there."

"Hey!" The creature waved.

I waved back awkwardly.

Stuart closed the blinds, "No, you don't understand. Gwendolyn of Gorbon is a true monster, ok? Things might've started out good, yeah, sure. Ah, we were practically kids. Oh, every day was love's newest adventure. I remember on our first anniversary we made a snorfing pot together." He took out a strange looking clay pot, and put the stout up his nose, green slime oozing out of his nostril.

"Whoa." I marveled, "That is disgusting and sweet."

"That is ridiculous!" Vex said.

"Ugh!" Steve said, "Alien dates are weird. Oof!"

Aja nudged him, looking annoyed.

"Poor choice of words." I whispered.

"But I couldn't ignore my four heart's true feelings." Stuart continued, "I wasn't ready to settle down. I had no choice but to break it off... gently." What he meant to say was that he ditched her on a planet.

"And you never came back?" Aja asked.

"Never. Gorbons have very simple principles-- they either mate for life or they devour their ex. I had to escape, so I hightailed it out of Durio and crashed here. Hadn't heard a peep from her since, well, since today."

"No wonder she wants to kill you." I said.

"You ran out on her. She probably just wants closure." Aja suggested.

"Yeah, well, I hadn't thought of that. I still don't want to go alone." Stuart said.

"Varvatos will tag along, but only because a dance lesson with Nancy sounds most enjoyable." Vex said, waltzing around the room.

Still weird to think he's in love with Nana of all people.

"Yes! Thank you!"

"Ugh!" Krel groaned, "Dating. While you all mash your faces together, I'm going to break the laws of physics."

"I'll help." I chuckled as I followed him.


"So, I'm guessing you're not dancing because you've got no one to go with?" I asked when we were in his lab.

TOA: Rose Gold's Adventure Book 2Where stories live. Discover now