Bring It On

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Aja and Krel led us down a few halls and showed us a room with two chairs and a giant window with a view of the night forest, "Whoa!"

"Whoa!" Eli marveled.

"So cool, so cool!" Toby said as we ran to the chairs.

"You guys are awesome!" I gaped.

"Is it cool?" Steve asked, "I mean, guess I'm just used to it. You know, been here a million times now." Steve tripped and almost fell off the edge of the platform before Aja caught him by his foot.

Eli, Toby and I were admiring the table that was there too, which let out what looked like a holographic desk with a bunch of buttons.

"Awesome-sauce! This is so cool!" Toby said.

"Steve, how could you not tell me?" Eli asked.

"I just told you!" Steve replied.

"But what about our Creepslayerz oath?"

"What Creepslayerz oath? What are you talking about?"

"Exactly! We were supposed to write one." Eli sat on one of the chairs which spun him around.

Toby and I were looking at the buttons while Steve and Eli were having their stupid argument.

While I wasn't actually touching anything, Toby pushed a particular button, which turned the tables red and a robotic voice said, "Self-destruct activated."

"Oh, no." Toby freaked out.

"Toby!" I groaned.

Krel calmly walked up to the table and pushed Toby out of the way.

The robotic voice went on, "You will all die in five seconds. Five, four, three, two..." Krel pushed a few buttons, turning the table back to blue, "Deactivated."

Toby sighed in relief as he sat down.

"I can manually access Mother's database here." Krel said, looking over the table and pushing a few buttons.

I was in amazement, "Wow. And I thought you were smart when we met."

I gently nudged his shoulder, and he grinned at me, "Thanks."

Krel turned his attention back to the tables, "Just takes a couple sectons to unlock."

The same robotic voice, who could only be Mother then said, "'Log.' Pulling up Commander Vex's logs."

"Not, not logs." Krel said.

A holographic video came up of a large blue Akiridion speaking to the camera, "Delson one. Commander Vex reporting. Or should Varvatos say 'Nanny Vex'?"

"Mother, get him off the screen!" Krel said, getting frustrated.

"Next screen." Mother said.


I was a little worried about Krel. He was frustrated with Mother, but there was something else going on.

"Are you ok?" I asked.

He either didn't hear me or just ignored me.

Another video played. This time, Vex was dusting, "Delson 17. Varvatos met Nancy Domzalski..."

"My nana?" Toby asked weirded out.

"She captured my rook, my queen, and my core. She is how the hoomans would say, 'hot.'"

Do I find this gross or hilarious?

"Hot?" Toby made his way to the table as fast as he could to change the screen, "Ew! No, no, no! She's not hot, she's Nana!"

TOA: Rose Gold's Adventure Book 2Where stories live. Discover now