Time To Save The World

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Everyone went back to Stuart's shop where Aja and Krel were talking to their parents.

I haven't felt this defeated since we lost Jim.

How did this happen?

"We failed, Mama." Aja said to their mother, "Morando has Gaylen's core. We can't stop him."

"Whenever I found myself in a situation where I didn't know what to do... you always knew the words I needed to hear." Krel said to their father, "I wish you were here to say them to me now."

"But he's not, little brother. Neither of them are. Not yet. But think of all we've done without them. We fought off bounty hunters, we've rescued Varvatos from the moon, and we've kept Mama and Papa safe. We can do this without them."

I smiled at what they were saying to each other. They were so close.

"You do know that 'this' is defeating a god, right?"

"Then we need to find a way to defeat a god."

Stuart ran in between them, blowing his nose, "I'm on it! I'll decode the EllyDuc transcripts, review the Illiac Mythos, and maybe piece together the Oxiom Gospels. Simple."

"Sure." I said, "Simple."

"You really have to do all that?" Toby asked.

"What else in an intergalactic library card good for?" Stuart said.

"I mean why don't we just stop Morando the way Seklos stopped Gaylen?"

"What is the armor-teethed one talking about?" Vex asked.

"According to the light show in Trollmarket, Seklos destroyed Gaylen with a really, really, really, really, almost done, really big gun."

"Seklos' canon." Aja said.

"A little on-the-nose as names go, but, yeah." Toby held up a finger from where he fell over on the ground.

"That's not a bad idea." I said.

"Good thought, but the canon was destroyed during Seklos' battle with Gaylen." Stuart said, "You can't just pick one up at the supermarket."

"But what if you built one?" Toby asked as he sat up. He looked at his phone at the pictures he took in Trollmarket, "Hmm? Hmm? Yeah? Think you could use this as a blueprint?"

"Nice work, Toby!" Krel said, "This is some high-definition footage."

"Yeah, the phone company upgraded me after I dropped my eighth phone. Guess I gave them a lot of business. Hey!"

Stuart took Toby's phone, "Thermal phasers, some ionic wiring..."

"So, you can build it?" Aja asked.

"Of course I can. I'm an electronics whiz."

"Actually, I was asking Krel."

"I'm gonna pretend I didn't hear that."

"This weapon looks fairly simple." Krel said taking the phone, "Even Stuart could build it."

"Ugh, or that!"

"Great!" I said, "What are we waiting for?"

The door opened, making a bell ring, "A customer!"

"Now?" Aja asked.

"It's still a customer. I haven't had one of those since 1986!" As Stuart went to take care of the customer, he stopped, "Not a customer! Not a customer! Oh-hoo!"

It was Kubritz's right hand man.

Oh, no.

"You're a fool to attack us without your fellow warriors, hoo-man." Vex said walking to him, "Varvatos will floss his teeth with your entrails." He picked the soldier up by his neck and slammed him on a few shelves.

TOA: Rose Gold's Adventure Book 2Where stories live. Discover now