Together Again

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Bellroc and Skrael came down from the castle and walked towards us outside Hex Tech.

The Green Knight jumped down from the castle in front of us, "Enough hiding, Nari." He said, "This ends now."

"You're not taking her." Claire snarled as she put Nari behind her.

Everyone got ready for battle.

"You're going down, buttsnacks!" Steve said.

Morgana said an incantation as she blasted magic at them, starting the battle.


I don't remember what happened. I remember blasting magic at Skreal. The rest was a blur.

I woke up feeling cold and I couldn't move. There was something warm and sticky on my left cheek.

I opened my eyes slowly and looked around. I was trapped in a large ice shard. The whole place was covered in ice from the battle.

We failed. The Order had Nari.

"Claire!" Douxie called, "Steve! Nari! What happened here?"

"Douxie?" I called.

"Rose Gold!" I saw Douxie running towards me. He blasted the shard I was in with magic and I slumped on the ground.

"What happened?" He asked, helping me up.

"I don't remember, it all happened so fast." My blood ran cold as I remembered something, "Krel. Krel! Where are you?"

We heard Krel groan and we ran to where he was.

"Krel! No."

Krel was trapped in ice, too. Douxie got him out with a blast of magic.

Krel slumped against the wall, "Oof! Couldn't stop them. Took Nari." He heard something, "Oh, wait." I helped him get up and he walked towards Ricky's head, "He can show you."

"Wahoo!" Ricky said, "How are you, buckaroo?"

Krel played a projection of the battle. He was running before being blasted by ice. Everyone was yelling and screaming as fire, ice, and magic flew everywhere. I saw the Green Knight swing his sword at me and heard myself scream.

I touched the stuff on my face, my heart stopping when I saw what was on my fingers.


He cut my face. I didn't know how deep it was, but it was still bleeding a little.

"This looks like the end!" Toby said, grabbing Ricky, "I leave my classic VHS action movie collection to my nana!"

Nari and the others were captured before Bellroc smashed Ricky, ending the projection.

"That's all, fo-- beep-boop..." Ricky glitched before shutting down.

"No, no, no, no, no, no, no!" Douxie panicked, "This wasn't supposed to happen!" He set a book down on a table, looking through it frantically, "No! Oh, please tell me there's something in here to help."

Krel and I sat on the counter, shivering from the ice.

"Rose Gold, your face." Krel said.

"I know." I said, "But that's not important right now."

"You don't need the book to tell you the answer, Doux." Archie said in his cat form, "Merlin was clear. If the Order has Nari, we can't let them get the Seals, or it's arcane Armageddon."

"But I can't just leave our friends to die."

"It's not easy being a leader." Krel said.

"The Order will never stop coming after the Seals." Archie said.

TOA: Rose Gold's Adventure Book 2Where stories live. Discover now