Krel's Perspective

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Just when I thought we had a chance at returning to Akiridion-5, Aja loses her serrator. On the bright side, we know who has it. Even better, we have to follow them around today.

What was strange was a girl in the group. She was around my height with red-ish orange hair, pale as though she's never seen the sun, and indigo eyes. She had trouble speaking to me and was a bit jumpy.

And I noticed she turned pink. Aja would sometimes turn light pink when talking about Steve when she's in her human form.

The girl's whole face turned a deeper shade of pink that was almost red. She did it often, too.

I vaguely remember her saying her name was Rose... something or other. I think I heard her name around school. Waters might be part of her name.

She seems nice.

When I snuck off to DJ, I noticed her dancing along. She liked my music! Of course, most humans did, I noticed.

I was surprised that she asked me to be in the Battle of the Bands with her. We didn't even know each other and she already wanted to be around me? But, of course, I said yes.

We didn't know why they needed lighting in a bottle, but we just decided to help.

I was happy when they said they thought weird was good. The Rose girl even had trouble talking again.

To be honest, I kind of liked when she had trouble talking and when she turned pink. She also smiled a lot, the more genuine smiles humans do.

She was nice. I hope I get to see her more.


Gold Rose was right. She was a really good singer. I was almost "blown away" as the humans say. We sound great together.

I was almost relieved when we ran into each other again when the world was ending. It was good to know she was ok.

It was a surprise to see she was a wizard. I wanted to ask a million questions, but we had to kill those green creatures. She's very skilled in battle.

She was concerned for me and Aja. It was interesting how in such a short time, she cares about us. Gold Rose is really... fascinating.


We just had our identities revealed to Toby, Eli, and Magic Waters. I wasn't sure how they would react. I was both relieved and confused when Magic Waters was fascinated by us.

I'm just glad she wasn't afraid.

When we snuck home, I looked down at Magic Rose as she levitated towards me.

I don't know why I didn't catch her then, but I probably should've. I don't know why, but there was a moment where we stared into each other's eyes. That was probably the first time I got a good look at them. They were big, bright, and... beautiful.

She almost fell, but I caught her and pulled her in. Because of that, she almost ran into me and we hugged each other tightly. We stared at each other in shock and she turned pink again. I wasn't expecting us to be so close. When she stepped away, she didn't know how to speak again.

To be honest, being close felt kinda nice.


It was odd. Even when we were being attacked, we made witty remarks to each other. She made me feel better about being thrown by a hammer.

When I was programming Dog Fight, Rose Gold didn't question what I was doing. She trusted me.

I was more than overjoyed when she and Eli defeated Morando. She helped save everyone.

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