Show Yourself

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So... this is how it ends.

This is really it for me.

I've never felt so helpless as Camelot disappeared into the clouds.

I've even stopped screaming at this point, I was just ready to die.

I really thought I'd do more with my life.

Find love.

Get stronger as a wizard. Maybe even earn a staff of my own.

Catch up with the gang.

Not only that, but they needed me right now. If only I let go sooner.

I never got to learn more about my parents.

I closed my eyes and swallowed the lump in my throat, waiting for impact. I kept waiting for something to happen, to even hit water. But I felt nothing.

I opened my eyes, confused. I was probably supposed to hit the ground by now.

I noticed I was inside a bubble of golden magic, which was carrying me through the sky. The magic was coming from my necklace.

I let out a sigh of relief as I sat up. I was saved.

But I was also really confused, "Where are you taking me?" I asked my necklace.

The ground was in view and I could see we were heading back to town.

We were heading to my parents' house.

My heart swelled as I got closer to the house. But this time, I wanted to be there.

I couldn't make it back to Camelot, but maybe this time, I can get answers.

Am I finally gonna learn about my parents?

(Italics - singing)

Every inch of me is trembling
But not from the cold
Something is familiar
Like a dream, I can reach but not quite hold

The bubble disappeared as I landed in front of the house.

I can sense you there
Like a friend I've always known
I'm arriving
And it feels like I am home

I have always been a fortress
Cold secrets deep inside
You have secrets, too
But you don't have to hide

I slowly walked to the door, letting my hair loose and fall around my shoulders.

Show yourself
I'm dying to meet you
Show yourself
It's your turn
Are you the one I've been looking for
All of my life?
Show yourself
I'm ready to learn
Ah-ah, ah-ah

My necklace began to glow and levitate again, leading me inside.

Ah-ah, ah-ah-ah

The lights came on as I went inside. I followed my necklace, taking in the house. It was a beautiful home for a family.

I've never felt so certain
All my life, I've been torn
But I'm here for a reason
Could it be the reason I was born?
I have always been so different
Normal rules did not apply
Is this the day?
Are you the way
I finally find out why?

Show yourself
I'm no longer trembling
Here I am
I've come so far
You are the answer I've waited for
All of my life
Oh, show yourself
Let me see who you are

The necklace led me back to the picture of me and my parents. I almost choked up, but I wasn't about to back out now.

Come to me now
Open your door
Don't make me wait
One moment more

The necklace was beckoning me towards the picture, confusing me a little. I turned the picture over. Behind it was a glowing portal.

That's new.

Oh, come to me now
Open your door
Don't make me wait
One moment more

I crawled through the portal, it obviously led somewhere important.

On the other side was a large room littered with books and notes, similar to where Douxie taught me magic.

Where the North wind meets the sea
Ah-ah, ah-ah
There's a river
Ah-ah, ah-ah
Full of memory (memories, memories)

I looked up at the sound of an unfamiliar voice. It was a magic illusion of the woman in the pictures.

Come, my darling, homeward bound

Tears streamed down my face.


I am found

Show yourself
Step into the power
Grow yourself
Into something new

You are the one you've been waiting for

All of my life

All of your life

Oh, show yourself

Ah-ah, ah-ah
Ah-ah, ah-ah
Ah-ah, ah-ah

The room started to glow silver. I was about to get something I've wanted since my necklace started glowing...

The truth.

TOA: Rose Gold's Adventure Book 2Where stories live. Discover now