What Would've Been Home

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I didn't know what was more nerve racking; the fact I'd never see Krel again or giving him the tape.

Either way, it was something I had to do.

I was in the middle of a lesson and had barely dodged a magic blast Douxie threw at me.

"Well, I think that should be it for today." He said, deactivating his gauntlet.

"Yeah, thanks." I said looking at the slightly signed part of my skirt, "And take it easy with the heat next time."

"Duly noted." Douxie said.

I smiled as I put my wand on my belt.

"What's the matter?" Archie asked.

"What do you mean?" I asked.

"You seemed a little distracted tonight. What's on your mind?"

I sighed and rubbed my arm, "Some friends are leaving soon and I'm not ready to say goodbye. Especially since I have feelings for one of them."

"Ah, I see." Douxie said, "I know what you mean. I don't have any real advice for you, but goodbyes are never easy. I remember it wasn't easy when I had to part ways with Merlin."

"I still can't believe that jerk is your mentor. I mean, it's cool, but, geez."

"Merlin isn't known for first impressions." Archie said.

"Pfft. I could've told you that."

We all chuckled before Douxie said, "But don't worry. And think of this, Rose Gold, you'll find a way to see them again."

I smiled at Douxie, knowing he was right.

Aja and Krel are my friends. If they're able to build a wormhole, we're able to see each other again.

"Thanks, Douxie." I got up to go, "See you next time."

I never had to say goodbye to anyone until the gang left. No one's ever truly left me before. At least, not by choice. They all left because of circumstances.

I never even said goodbye to my parents. Were they able to say goodbye to me?

Right as I stepped outside, my necklace started to glow and tug me along.

I followed.

My necklace led me into the woods, which was super creepy.

After a few minutes, my necklace stopped glowing and went slack. I looked up and saw a small white house just on the outskirts of town. It looked abandoned, but for some reason, no one bothered to sell it or tear it down.

A sense of dread hit me in the chest, so much it almost hurt.

It... couldn't be.

I slowly walked up to the door, put my hand on the knob, and turned it.

It was open.

The first thing I noticed when I opened the door was the amount of dust there was. I flipped the light switch in the corner, the lights turning on with a flicker.

There wasn't anything extraordinary about the first floor; just the kitchen and living room covered in dust with a few paintings on the walls.

I went up the staircase.

Again, there wasn't much to say about the hall I was walking up. It was all so standard.

But then... I saw the picture.

Hanging on the wall at the top of the staircase was a picture of a family. A redheaded man and woman, holding a redheaded baby with big, indigo eyes.

My parents.

...It is.

I froze as the feeling of dread pushed further into my chest. I couldn't breath, my eyes stung with tears.

I was in shock. I was at my parent's house. This would've been my home.

I couldn't take it anymore.

I ran down the stairs and out the house into town.

I didn't stop running until I made it to the park. I leaned against the edge of the fountain. I looked at my feet as I tried to process what I just saw.

My parent's house.

The picture of us.

That was the first thing I found that directly linked me with my parents. That house would've been home if they were still alive.

It was all too much to take in.

Tears pricked my eyes, threatening to fall. I didn't know how long I sat there.

When I finally calmed down, Toby called me saying to meet at the Tarron's. Aja and Krel were in trouble.


I didn't know all the details, but I didn't care. That freaking Kubritz and Morando were involved and that was all that mattered. We're not letting them take Aja and Krel.

Not on my watch.

Toby was in his armor outside Aja and Krel's house, which was surrounded by guards from Area 49B. I hid with him and he held up a finger telling me to be quiet. He tried to sneak around the guards with the bushes and saw Aaarrrggghhh!!! try to hide behind bushes but to no avail, "Aaarrrggghhh!!!, you know these bushes are totally useless."

"Stop right there!" A guard said, catching us. They pointed a ray gun toward us, but Aaarrrggghhh!!! punched them in the face.

"Wow." Toby said.

"Well, that was easy." I said.

"Bushes useful." Aaarrrggghhh!!! said fist bumping Toby.

We saw Steve and Eli hiding behind some trash cans. We all tried to sneak around to get to the house, only for Toby to get caught, "Hey! What are you doing? What are you?"

"Aaarrrggghhh!!!" Aaarrrggghhh!!! replied.

"And what are you wearing?" The guards asked.

"Uh... would you believe we're going to a Greek restaurant?" Toby asked as he got up, "Opa!"



We all got caught, "Sir, we found ourselves a couple of spies."

We were all pushed into a corner with our hands up.

"Please don't call my mom." Eli begged.

"Or Coach." Added Steve.

Worst. Rescue mission. Ever.

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