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It's been a day or two since we found out Aja and Krel were Akiridions.

We told Amber and Aaarrrggghhh!!!, but that's it. They were gonna find out eventually.

One night, before I went to my lesson with Douxie, Krel called me saying he and Aja were gonna rescue their friend, meaning they had to go to space. We were on the rooftop waiting for Stuart to come with his ship. Toby brought Eli and was looking through a pair of binoculars.

"He should have been here by now." Krel said, "Those Durians are always late!"

"And this is all one big rescue mission for your geezer friend?" Eli asked.

"For Varvatos, yes. He's being held at a bounty hunter outpost on the Earth's moon."

"The moon?" Toby gasped, "So flipping cool!" Krel gave him a stern look, "Although, probably not so much for your geezer friend."

Aja was on the phone telling Zadra that she and Krel were with Toby and Eli. They didn't want her knowing they were going after Varvatos.

"I think it's really brave what you're doing." I said, "Toby and I went on a rescue mission for Jim once."

"Yeah, I wouldn't make this a contest if I were you." Krel said, smirking.

"What, I'm not, I'm just stating a fact."

"Sounds like you're trying to one up him to me." Toby added.

"Traitor. But seriously, I hope you find your friend."

Krel chuckled and gave me a soft smile.

"Thanks for covering for us." Aja said when she hung up, "Did you bring the gear?"

"As requested." Toby said tapping a box.

"I still don't know why you need the mole costume." I said, shaking my head.

"It's the only disguise we have."

A large ship that resembled a flying saucer with green lights showed up.

"Awesome!" Eli gaped.


"Wow." I said.

Stuart, in his green Durian form, popped up from the hatch, "Greetings, your Majesties. Your chariot awaits. Ah!" The ship sputtered.

"That doesn't inspire confidence." Krel said.

"And how long is it going to take us to reach the moon in that?" Aja asked as she and Krel got on the ship with the box.

"Assuming we make good time, 20 to 30, tops." Stuart said.

"Wow!" Eli said, "Minutes?"

"Very droll. Ha! This one's a comedian. No, not minutes, hours!"

So, they're going to be gone for a while then. Keeping Zadra fooled is gonna be tough, isn't it?

Aja and Krel went inside the ship. Before long, the ship took off and we waved them goodbye.

"Good luck!" I called to them.

As soon as the ship went into the night sky, I felt a wave of nervousness wash over me. I just want Krel to be careful up there.

I could hear Eli and Toby snickering behind me. "Somebody's in love." Eli said in a sing-song voice.

"Ha, ha, ha." I mocked, "Very funny." I remembered my lesson with Douxie, "Now, if you don't mind, I have to do something... elsewhere."

"Where you going?" Toby asked.

"No where. I'll be back later tonight."

I left before they could ask anymore questions. Of course I didn't tell them about my lessons with Douxie.

TOA: Rose Gold's Adventure Book 2Where stories live. Discover now