Turn Back Time

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We followed Archie to the bookstore.

Meanwhile, I'm sweating bullets. The secret's gonna be out in the open. Everyone's gonna know I lied to them.

"Uh, Rose, are you ok?" Amber asked me, "You seem a bit off."

"We just heard the world was ending, you want me to be as cool as an ice cube?" I said.

"Point taken."

"Sorry, this is a lot to process!" Toby said, "Pets can talk? The world is ending? Again?"

"Not the best timing, I know, but we need your help all the same." Douxie said, walking up to us.

Oh, boy.


"Wai-- Hold up!" Steve said, "I thought you worked at the cafe or were, like, a model or something."

Douxie fiddled with his gauntlet and waved around light blue magic, "There's a lot about me you don't know."

"Whoa!" Toby marveled.

"What?" Steve said.

"You're a wizard, too?" Amber marveled.

"Indeed." Douxie said, "And might I say, Rose Gold is an excellent student."

My heart jumped.

Everyone gave me confused looks.

"Student?" Toby asked, "So that's how you've been getting better at magic."

"Hey, I got better." I said, "Isn't that what matters? I was sworn to secrecy, ok? A wizard's secret is no one's but their own."

I could feel everyone's eyes burning through me.

"But I'm your best friend." Amber said, "We tell each other everything. Is there anything else you're keeping from me?"

"No, no, no. I swear that's it. I promised I wouldn't tell."

Amber sighed, "I'll forgive you. But I'm holding this against your head for the rest of your life."

"Fair enough."

Douxie used magic to open the store, "Come on, then. The answers to all your questions are within."

"Yeah, right. In a bookstore?" Steve asked as we stepped in.

The bookstore transformed into the magic shop. There were books and other objects floating with green magic.

"You could've told me how cute he was." Amber whispered.

"Right." I said.

"Ah!" Toby gaped, "There's flying books."

There was a chest floating around, collecting all the books and trinkets.

"Ooh, what's this?" Toby asked, looking at an odd snow globe.

"Put that down!" It was Merlin, "Thank the ether you're here. We haven't a moment to waste."

"Oh." Amber said, "It's you."

"Whoa!" Steve said, "Crusty, creepy dude!"

"Though, I had hoped for more, Hisirdoux." Merlin said.

"I tried." Douxie said, "I couldn't find the changelings or the aliens. I'm pretty sure most left the planet."

"Merlin, it's me-- Toby Domzalski!" Toby said, "You know, War Hammer, Guardian of Arcadia, Geology Club president."

"No one could forget you, chatty." Merlin said going down the stairs, "And the amateur wizard."

I gritted my teeth and groaned in frustration. This guy really freakin hates me.

TOA: Rose Gold's Adventure Book 2Where stories live. Discover now