Level Up

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I had a lesson with Douxie early that morning since he had a shift at the restaurant.

Why does he have so many jobs?

Douxie's really been helping me improve my magic and I feel like I've been getting stronger. I've got a few new spells under my belt and spells I could already do got a lot easier.

Again, I'm not a master, but I'm getting better.

When I was done, I decided to stop by Aja and Krel's house.

I met their friend, Varvatos Vex, a little after they rescued him. He's really nice, but I'm also a little scared of him.

When I got to the house, I saw Mary, Darci and Steve chilling outside by their pool.

"Hey guys." I said, "You know where Aja and Krel are?"

"They're inside." Steve said.

"Thanks. And isn't this technically trespassing?"

"Unless you see any other place with a pool here, no." Mary said lounging.

I rolled my eyes as I headed inside.

Toby and Eli were playing Go-Go Sushi in the living room.

"Oh, hey, Rose Gold." Eli said, "Where were you?"

"I was just... out for a bit."

Aja and Krel came in holding a box full of spare parts.

Aja got in front of the TV, "So, I've got some good and bad news for you. The bad news is that your planet is about to be invaded by an extraterrestrial force."

"What?!" I said.

"What's the good news?" Eli asked as he and Toby kept playing.

"Your summer is officially no longer boring." Aja dropped the box in front of them, "Now, enough fishy games. We must train you."

"A real intergalactic army is coming to Earth, and you want--" Toby said.

"Our help?" Eli finished.

"You are the most accomplished human warriors we know." Aja explained.

"She means the only human warriors we know." Krel added.

Toby and Eli got super excited at this, "Yeah! Awesome-sauce!"

"Ay, ay, ay."

"Not how I'd react to the end of the world." I said, "Again."

"So cool, so cool, so cool. Wait, play it cool, Pepperjack." Toby grabbed Eli's shoulders, "Before we agree to enlist, we're gonna need to know if this training is gonna involve laser blasters."

"We'll need a lot more than serrators if we're going to stand up to the Akiridion fleet." Krel said.

"Don't worry, guys." I said, "I've been getting better at magic, so I can definitely help."

"Thank you, Rose Gold." Krel said, giving me a side smile in relief.

"We've survived some tough odds before. Imminent death numerous times, the end of Arcadia twice." Toby said.

"Not to mention the Go-Go Sushi Omakase level." Eli added.

"Alien weapons!" Toby and Eli grabbed serrators from the box, "How cool is that?"

"We're talking about a warship full of robot soldiers, people." Aja explained.

Eli and Toby ended up making a forcefield, trapping themselves for a bit.

"Sorry." Eli said when the shield was deactivated.

"This is not a game." Aja pushed Eli and Toby away so she could train them.

TOA: Rose Gold's Adventure Book 2Where stories live. Discover now