Untold Story

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This was it.

I was finally gonna learn about my parents.

The whole thing was shown to me with silver magic silhouettes.

It started with what looked like an ancient village. A young girl with a red pixie cut wandering the streets. She looked to be around Douxie's age and wore a simple tan dress.

"Mom." I whispered. This must've been her when she was younger.

She entered a house, where two people were waiting for her, probably her parents.

"Emily." The woman said, taking her hand, "You have to hide. Now."

"What?" She said, "Why? What's going on?" She had a European accent, either Scottish or Irish, I didn't know which.

"They're after us." The man said, "They'll be here any second."

"What? No. If you're going, I'm going with you."

"No." The woman said. They made her step into an empty closet, "We're not letting you take the fall for something we did."

"You did nothing wrong! All you did was protect them." The girl was crying now, "Please don't go."

The man and the woman took her hands in theirs with comforting smiles.

"My dear, you've always wanted to see the world, to learn the impossible." The man said, "You'll get to do all of that now."

"Not this way."

"We'll always be with you." The woman said as she wiped away a tear, "Just never stop fighting, trust yourself, and never give up."

The girl nodded as more tears streamed down her face, "I love you."

The man and woman hugged her tightly, "We love you, too."

The silhouettes shifted.

The girl was now in a corner on the streets, face buried in her knees.

I could faintly hear her crying.

Just then, a woman noticed her. She stopped in her tracks and slowly approached the girl.

"You're their girl, aren't you?" The woman asked.

The girl, or well, mom, cried harder, "It just isn't fair. They've done nothing wrong. All they did was rescue those creatures."

The woman placed a hand on her face, "Believe me, I've done all I could to save them, but my brother is too stubborn to listen to reason. He's afraid of those who are different, of magic. Do you have anywhere to go?"

Mom shook her head.

"Come with me. Merlin can't take more under his wing, but I can take you under mine." The woman held out her hand, which mom hesitantly took, "What's your name, dear?"

"Emily Waters."


My heart stopped. Morgana. She really did know my mom. She took her in during her lowest moment.

Maybe Morgana wasn't always the monster we knew her to be.

The silhouettes shifted.

Mom was a little bit older. Not by a lot, but it was noticeable. She was with Morgana, her arms held out over a pot.

"Don't strain yourself." Morgana said, "Let the power surround you. Feel it flow through your veins."

That sounded like what Douxie taught me.

Mom closed her eyes in concentration, taking a deep breath. After a moment or two of silence, the pot sprouted up a mist of light.

"I thought you were more of an expert in shadow magic." Mom asked.

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