What Was Once My Home

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Toby, Chompsky and I were at Stuart's place.

Since all we could do was wait, Toby decided to edit his movie, "Chompsky, you broke character in every take."

Chompsky stuck his tongue at him.

"Don't tell me it was an artistic choice."

"Diva." I said.

Aja and Krel came in with their parents, "Hurry, here!" Aja said.

"Hook them up to the daxial array." Krel said as they propped them up.

"Oh, my gosh!" Toby said, "Are these your parents? Are they gonna be ok? Do they need anything? I have a Nougat Nummy if they want one."

I smacked Toby upside the head, "I don't think a Nougat Nummy is gonna help."

"It doesn't hurt to ask."

"Recalibrate the power gauge to one-seven-eight." Krel said.

"Checking diagnostics. Daxial array powering up." Aja said.

"Ha, Mama and Papa's core's are stabilizing."

"Toby, what are you doing?"

"Eh. While we were holding down the fort, I thought I'd finish my director's cut." Toby said, "But then Chompsky started acting out." Chompsky was acting up again, "No, I can't make you taller in post! Ugh! He thinks he's a star. Wait. Does this mean you're going home soon, back to Akirirdion-5?"

"Of course." Krel said, "That was always the plan."

My heart sank at the reminder. No amount of preparation will make it any easier.

"What? But you can't, not yet. I've got good news. Great news! Captain Kleb is going to premiere before Gun Robot 7 at the local drive-in!"

"That's amazing! All our friends are going to be there."

"You have to at least stick around for that." I said, placing a hand on Krel's shoulder. He glanced at my hand and then smiled at me.

God, he's so cute.

"We'll be local celebrities. Maybe they'll finally name a street after me. Domzalski Drive!" Toby said.

"Your moving picture party will be the perfect way to celebrate after we stop Morando." Aja said, "He's already on his way to Gaylen's core."

"Gaylen's core?" I asked.

"Gaylen's core?" Stuart asked, "O-M-Gorbon! Are you-- Are you trying to tell me that Gaylen's core is real?"

"Yep, pretty much." Aja and Krel said.

"What? What's a Gaylen's core?" Toby asked.

"Well, uh, according to legend, as recounted in A Brief Recapitulation of Akiridion Lore--" Stuart said flipping through a book.

"What? You guys have one of these, too?"

"Gaylen ruled as a being of immense power until he was defeated in the battle that shook the universe itself. And Gaylen perished, sadly, but some Akiridions believe that his core remained and contained the latent powers of a god. Whoever uses his core has the power to create and destroy entire planets. And I have always wanted one. Not to destroy a planet, of course. I'm not a lunatic, but it'd just be nice to shed some weight."

"Uh, I don't think weight loss is Morando's plan."

"Uh... can I borrow this book?" I asked. It'd be cool to read up on more lore since I already read the troll version.

"Fortunately, when we were in Mama and Papa's memories, they showed us where Gaylen's core is, or at least who's protecting it." Krel said.

"We need to talk to Jim about a Troll named Can-in-jars." Aja said.

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