I'm Back

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It's been two weeks since the Eternal Night and I can't say things have been the same.

Amber and I have been living with Toby and Aaarrrggghhh!!! since we didn't have anywhere else to go. You'd be amazed at the amount of space you can have with a couple of bunk beds.

I've also been getting better at magic. I'm still no expert, but it's way better than it was last year. Douxie's an amazing teacher. I don't have a crush on him anymore, but I have a few sparks for him.

Let's be real, the whole punk look is really doing it for him.

I miss having Jim, Claire and Blinky around. Heck, I miss all of Trollmarket. I've thought about going back to visit a few times, but I don't think I can look at Trollmarket with the light drained out of it.

That's not my Trollmarket.

I just hope they were able to find the new Heartstone. (We never find out, do we?)

Of course, I had to tell Douxie everything. He backed me into a corner, so I had no choice.

When I got to the part about bringing back Merlin, you can imagine my surprise when Douxie told me he's Merlin's apprentice.

Who would've thought?

Douxie must be ancient.

Arcadia isn't afraid of the trolls. I mean, they helped save the town after all. They deserve some form of respect.

And no, I haven't told anyone else that I'm a wizard. I don't know, it just feels weird if a lot of people knew. That's reserved for my friends.

I've seen Aja and Krel around town, but I never got the chance to hang out with them. I wish I did, though.

Aja seems super cool and bubbly. Who wouldn't want to be friends with someone like that?

And Krel... Well, you know why I want to hang out with Krel. I want to get to know him better, and maybe this time, I can get it right.

But they always seemed busy with something. I've thought about offering them help, but it seems like they have it under control.

I just hope they're OK.

One night, I was having a lesson with Douxie.

"Now, this is a beginner spell, but it's one of my personal favorites." He said.

"He only says that because he thinks it's funny." Archie said watching from a stool.

"Well, that too."

I chuckled as Douxie fiddled with his gauntlet, letting out a burst of blue magic. Two bright blue circles appeared on opposite sides of the room.

"This is an infinite corridor." He picked up a book from the table and tossed it into one of the circles.

I didn't think much of it until the book came out from the other circle and re-entered the other, flying in an endless loop.

"Ah, I get it." I realized, "'Infinite corridor.' That's clever."

Douxie smirked as he caught the book and undid the spell, "I'll be showing you how to do that in just a moment. But first I want to ask you; how familiar are you with levitating?"

I was about to answer when my phone vibrated. When I checked, it was a text from Eli. I didn't have time to read it, so I set my phone on the table until after the lesson.

"What do you mean by levitating?" I asked.

"You should be able to use your powers to levitate yourself off the ground." Archie said, "This doesn't mean you can fly, merely float."

"That's fun."

"You have no idea." Douxie said.

He sounded closer. I turned to find him levitating upside down, an inch away from my face with a smirk, making me jump.

"Don't do that." I said as he floated back down, laughing.

"Sorry. I just couldn't resist." He said.

My phone vibrated a few more times, no doubt they were texts from Eli.

What's up with him?

"Alright. This is just a small exercise. Close your eyes, take deep breaths, and gently push yourself up with your power."

I did as he said and spread my hands out. It was a little hard to concentrate with my phone vibrating every ten seconds, but I kept going.

After a while, I felt my feet lift off the ground.

I was doing it!

"That's it, keep going. I'll let you know when you can stop." Douxie said.

I felt myself going higher and higher. I opened my eyes to see I was three feet off the ground. Progress.

My phone just wouldn't stop vibrating. I even wobbled in the air from how distracting it was.

"You alright?" Archie asked.

"I got it." I said.

Seriously, shut up, Eli.

I slowly floated higher as the phone kept vibrating, trying not to fall as I kept wobbling.

All of a sudden, my phone rang out of nowhere. The noise startled me, making me fall to the floor on my back.

Thanks a lot.

Douxie went to help me up, "Are you alright, Rose Gold? That was a hard hit."

"I'm fine." I strained, "My phone messed me up."

I glared at the ringing phone and walked over to see who it was. Of course, it was Eli.

Seeing that Eli wasn't one to take the hint, I answered, "What is it, Eli? I'm a little busy."

"Rose Gold." Eli said, "I need you to come over to my house right away. There's something you need to know."

"Do I have to?"

"Yes! I told Toby to come, too. This is important."

"Alright, I'll be right there."

I sighed as I hung up, "I'm really sorry. My friend wants me to come over, he says it's important."

"Quite alright. I have to work at the restaurant, anyway." Douxie shrugged.

"Ok. Thanks for the lesson. I'll keep practicing the exercise."

I was about to leave when I remembered my necklace. I know Vendel examined it before, but since Douxie's a wizard, maybe he can look at it further.

"Hey, can you do me a favor?"

"Of course."

I took off my necklace and handed it to him, "My locket has this weird spell on it. All I know is that it's a strange complicated location spell. I was hoping you could look at it and find something else."

Douxie examined it in his hand, "I'll do my best. Goodnight, Rose Gold."

"Bye." I said, blushing as I left. He's so helpful.

I looked through my texts from Eli as I made my way over to his house. All of them said to come over and that he had something to say. What is he up to this time?


Hey, it's been a while.......................sorry.

So, school just started for me in my end, so I think the updates on this particular book is gonna be a bit slow, just a heads up.

Also, if you want a little more if Rose Gold, you should check out my art/Q&A book.

I'm posting whenever I can and giving some insights about Rose Gold as a character.

If you have any questions about her, feel free to ask.

See you next time! ❤

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