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I was finishing up my lesson for the night. Despite almost burning Archie's tail, I did pretty well.

"I'll see you tomorrow, Douxie." I said, picking up my wand to leave.

"Righty-oh, Rose Gold." He replied, "Oh, wait. Before I forget again."

I turned to him, "Yeah?"

"The other day, when you asked me to go over your necklace, I noticed the woman in your picture."

"Oh, that's my mom and dad. I never knew them."

"Well, we did." Archie said.

"What do you mean?"

"Archie." Douxie scolded before turning to me, "We knew your mother, Rose Gold. I've met her before."

I stared at them in confusion. What were they talking about? How could they have known my mom?

I almost laughed, "What, you're saying? That my mom's as ancient as you?"

"It's not my fault if you don't believe me." Douxie said. He sat in a chair facing away from me.

"Keep this in mind, Rose Gold." Archie said, "Wizards can live centuries. Compared to us, you're a newborn baby. "

My heart stopped. Did that really mean...?

I got in front of Douxie, "You knew my mother?!"

"Well, I didn't really know her, but she lived in Camelot and was around the palace. She never got along with Merlin." He explained.

"Pfft. Who does?" I scoffed.

"She was friends with Morgana, you know." Archie added.


"Archie!" Douxie scolded.

I thought about what Morgana said about knowing my mother. I didn't believe her, I thought she was just taunting me.

She was.... telling the truth? What did she know about my mom?

Douxie noticed how quiet I was, "Rose Gold, that was centuries ago. I can assure you, Morgana wasn't always a monster."

"She said she knew my mom." I explained, "Now I may never know about her."

I knew Morgana was an absolute leech, but a part of me wanted to go back and ask about my mom while I had a chance.

"Did you not hear what we said?" Archie said.

Right. They knew her, too, "Of course. What... What was my mom like? Or from what you saw?"

Douxie grinned and said, "From what I've gathered, your mother was quiet, observant, intelligent, kind. And I believe Morgana sometimes taught her magic."

"She was a wizard?"

"Well, last I saw, she was merely studying magic."

"What happened to her?"

"We don't really know." Archie explained, "Just as Morgana turned, your mother disappeared and we never saw her again. We never knew she had a daughter down the line."

I smiled softly at what they told me. It wasn't much, but it was something about my parents. I gave Douxie a hug, "Thank you for telling me."

"Any time." Douxie said when I pulled away.

I walked over to Archie and patted his head, "I'm not usually one for pats." He said.

"Well, suck it up." I laughed, "See you later."

Just as I stepped outside, I got a phone call from Amber, "Hello?"

"Rose! Get to Aja and Krel's house. Right now!" She said.

TOA: Rose Gold's Adventure Book 2Where stories live. Discover now