20 - How You Love Me Now

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It's surprising how quickly things move. It's the end of June, and Jenna and I haven't had a fight since I found out about her and Vic.

We haven't been able to have intimate moments yet. I hate to admit it, but I'm scared to. I mean, I've had sex, but I want things with Jenna to be special. I don't want her to feel like a meaningless hookup.

Neither of us has popped the "L" word yet. I don't think either of us are ready for that. Besides family, I've never really loved anyone.

I'm pretty sure that this is what falling in love is, though. We've both looked past a lot, and only people who love each other do that, right?

We haven't talked about what we're going to do after Warped is over. I'm willing to move to another continent for her because I know how badly long-distance hurts relationships. It would suck at first, being away from my family and my band, but I'll do it for Jenna.

But we still have time to decide. I don't want to lose her.

"Tay, are you alright?" Jenna asks. Her accent as always adorable.

"I was just thinking about our future."

"I'm intrigued."

I smile. "We've never talked about us post-Warped."

"I know. Do you want to now?" I nod. "Long-distance would be a bitch. Especially with the time difference."

"I'll move. I'll go to Australia with you."

Her eyes widen. "Really?"


"We can alternate. Spend a few months in Australia, a few months in New York. I don't want to pull you away from your family."

I lean in and press a slow, sweet kiss on her lips. She immediately reciprocates it and wraps her arms around my neck.

In this moment, I think I'm ready. I tangle my fingers in her hair and straddle her. Her fingers go to the hem of my shirt and brush the skin of my stomach; I shiver at the contact. Just being this close to her gives me butterflies.

She pulls away for a minute. "Tay, are you sure you're ready?"

"Yes." It's honest. "Are you?"


I reattach our lips and slowly start to pull her shirt off. My fingers fiddle with the button of her jeans. My body knows what to do before my brain does.

"Jenna!" Someone, I'm pretty sure it's Whakaio, yells from the front of the bus. I slide off her so she has time to rebutton her jeans and put her shirt back on.  "Jenn, do you know where the rest of the guys are?"

"Yeah, they're hanging out with All Time Low." Right as she said that, the door to the bus opened again, followed by the sound of people talking. Jenna looks at me, her eyes say I'm sorry.

I would offer to go back to my bus and pick up where we left off, but all the guys are there playing video games.

Whakaio and the rest of the Tonight Alive boys watch old Friends reruns on the TV in the front lounge, leaving Jenna and me in the back.

"Tay, I'm sorry whatever we were about to do was ruined." She says.

"It's fine. Maybe it's for the best."

"We still have another two months of tour, then every moment after. Waiting is probably for the best."

"We have all the time in the world; we have forever."

Hey guys. So it's been a while. Freshman year is really kicking my ass, but it's almost over.

I love y'all. Vote, comment, all that shit.



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