1 - If I Fall

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Jenna POV

"Jenn, you ready?" Cam asks as we leave my house.

"Yeah," I respond. I am the last one to get on the bus, so I get last pick of the bunks. I end up in the bottom below Matt, and across from Jake. We're on our way to Warped Tour. Tonight is the kickoff party.

"Are you nervous?" Cam asks after we start on our way.

"Not really. You?"


I lie down in my bunk and shut my eyes. I think about all the bands that are going to be there. I know that All Time Low is and that makes me happy because we are really good friends with them. I think Pierce The Veil is too. I remember on the website seeing a band called We Are The In Crowd.

I take my phone out of my pocket and start to listen to some of their music. They're pretty good. I imagine what her voice would sound like compared to mine.

"Jenn," Matt says. "You should probably get some sleep. It's going to be a long drive, plus the kick off party is right after we get there."

"Okay, thanks." I shut my eyes again, this time falling asleep.

+                 +                  +

I wake up to someone shaking me. Then Whakaio's voice saying, "Jenna, time to get up. We're here."

I open my eyes and adjust them to the dark light. I get out of the bunk and exit the bus. There are already a lot of people here. Probably half of the bands are here. I see a tall boy with dark hair sticking up in all directions and immediately know it's Jaime from Pierce The Veil.

Someone taps my shoulder. I turn around and face Justin from Sleeping With Sirens. "You know Vic is looking for you, right?"

"Of course he is."

"You should at least talk to him," he says.

"Justin, it was a bad enough break up. I don't want to talk to him more than I have to."

"Please just do it soon, because since we got here all he's talked about is you."

"I'll think about it."

"Thank you." I nod and he walks away. I walk around until I find someone I know. Every time I see Vic, I run in the opposite direction. I end up with Of Mice and Men. Aaron and Austin hide me from him.

Alan asks, "was your breakup really that bad?"

"You seriously do not want to go there, Ashby."

He puts his hand up in defense. "Alright."

"Sorry, I'm just really on edge."

"Maybe you just need to hook up with somebody," someone whispers in my ear.

"Not going to happen, Barakat."

"The offer always stands, Jenna," he says and walks away.

"What was that about?" Tino asks.

"He's Jack. Do you need more of an explanation?"

"Fair enough."

"Uh, do you guys know when We Are The In Crowd is going to be here?"

"They're right there," Aaron says, and points to somewhere behind me. I turn around and see the lead singer. She's prettier in person, but I'm quickly distracted by someone next to her. He's fairly tall, has really dark hair, and is quite attractive. I stroll over to them and introduce myself. I learn their names are Tay, Jordan, Mike, Rob, and the attractive one is called Cameron.

Reflections - Tay Jardine & Jenna McDougall (Wattys2015)Where stories live. Discover now