2 - Find You

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I hit Jordan with a pillow. "Jordan! Get your ass up!"

He groans, but does as I say. I go up to the front lounge and sit down on the couch next to Cameron. He looks upset about something. "You okay?"

"Yeah, I'm fine."

"You know you can't lie to me, right?"

He smiles. "There was this girl last night, but things got complicated."

"Who was it?"

"Uh, Taylor, from The Pretty Reckless."

"What happened?" I ask.

He thinks carefully; I can see it in his face. The crease in his forehead, his furrowed eyebrows. Finally he decides, "I don't even know how to explain."

I nod and drop the subject. Jordan strolls up and pours a cup of coffee. "When's sound check?"

"Ask Ferri," I tell him. He groans and stalks off to go find Mike. I turn my attention back to Cameron. "So what're you going to do?"

"What do you mean?" he asks.

"Are you going to chase after her? Make her fall for you?"

"Um, no. She, uh. She seemed more interested in someone else."

I put my hand on his shoulder. "It'll be okay. There are plenty of girls on this tour. One of them is bound to like you at some point."

"Nah, I think I'll just ride solo for a little bit," he says and smiles. I smile back and get up off the couch. I open the bus door and leave. I walk around until I find All Time Low's bus.

"Hello?" I ask. No one answers. I check the daily schedule that Flyzik posted. Their sound check isn't for another half hour. "Zack? Rian? Gasbarf? Barak--" I am cut off when I get picked up and thrown over a shoulder.

"I got her! I got her!" Zack yells. He brings me to the back lounge and gently throws me onto the couch. "I caught a wild Jardine!"

Rian runs back and gives me a toothy smile. He shakes his head and rolls his eyes, then walks away. From somewhere in the front of the bus I hear Jack yell, "where's the wild Jardine? I want to see her."

"I'm back here, Barakitty." Jack sprints back to me, runs around the couch, and sits on my legs. "Jack, why are you sitting on me?"

"I really don't know." I laugh at him.

"You are one weird boy, Jack."

"I know."

"Jack, can you get off my legs now? It's starting to hurt." I tell him. He pouts but gets up anyway. I get up and find my way to the bunk area. I climb into Jack's bunk and pull a blanket over me. I feel a dip in the bunk, then an arm wraps around my waist.

I open one eye, and am greeted by a faded pink rose. "Hi, Alex."

"Dammit!" He exclaims. "I didn't make any noise, I don't smell too bad. What gave it away?"


"Pshh, I knew that."

I ask, "do you think I should have a Warped fling with someone?"

"Are you interested in someone?"

I think about it. Braden from SayWeCanFly is pretty attractive, so is Devin from I See Stars. Austin Carlile is really nice, same with Brian from The Summer Set.

"There are too many guys here to narrow it down to one."

"Okay," he says. "Give me some names, and I'll go around and try to see who would look cute with you."

Reflections - Tay Jardine & Jenna McDougall (Wattys2015)Where stories live. Discover now