17 - Backseat Serenade

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Jenna POV

I give Tay a lot of credit. I didn't realize how hard it is to plan a date. Tay really put a lot of thought into it.

I, on the other hand, am absolute shit at planning dates. I clean off the front table in my bus and pull two white t-shirts, glitter pens, and markers out of a Walmart bag. I grab a pair of scissors out of a drawer and set them on the table.

I lay everything out and wait for Tay. While I wait, I find a lighter and light a few candles. As I put The Little Mermaid into the DVD player, there's a knock on the door. I open it and am met by Tay's smiling face. I pull her into a hug, which she happily returns.

"So, this isn't as awesome as the date you planned, but I tried my best."

She comes onto the bus and the cutest dimples appear in her cheeks.

"Jenn, I think this is adorable."

My A-list idea of a date is to make each other t-shirts. Fathoms Below starts on the TV and we start designing.

I start by cutting off the collar and sleeves, then slit the sides down. I take a black Sharpie and write "Jenna was here" on the front. I flip it over and write "Jenlor 5/25/14" on the back in big letters. I take a red Sharpie and draw a heart over where her heart would be.

"I'm finished." I say.

"I'm almost done." She replies. I try to peek over her shoulder. "Don't look! It's a surprise."

I turn to the TV and watch the movie until Tay tells me she's done.

"Alright," I say, "mine probably sucks, but I tried my best." I show her what I came up with.

She brightly smiles. "Babe, I love it."

"Let me see yours."

She holds up her shirt, and I smile. The front says "Jenna & Tay." She flips it over, where it says "As long as you're around, I'll be safe and sound."

She says, "Because who doesn't love a little shameless self promo?"

"You're the best." I tell her, for probably the millionth time. I may overuse the statement, but it's true. Tay really is the best. Even if we never became what we are, I like to believe that we would've been friends.

"Are we going to wear these tomorrow?"

"I was going to ask you if you would, so we can match."

"Wear plain denim shorts, and your high-top vans, and we can have a twin day." Her eyes light up as this idea comes to her.

"I will."

She sits on the couch, and pats the spot next to her. I sit next to her and curl into her side. She rests her head on mine, and quietly sings along to the movie. About halfway in to it she says, "I don't care what anyone says, I will never be too old for Disney movies."

"Isn't that from Tumblr?"

"Sshhhh," she whispers. "You don't know what you're saying."

"No, I'm pretty sure it's from Tumblr."

"You are one funny girl, Jenna."

"Whatever you say, post jacker."

She looks me in the eyes. "I really don't like you."


Tay sticks her tongue out at me. "I'm just kidding. And, yeah, that was from Tumblr."

"I know." I snuggle closer to her. She'll probably leave after the movie, and I want to spend as long as I can with her.

Hey guys. Words cannot explain how sorry I am for being inactive for the past 3 months. I know this chapter is really short and really, really shitty, but at this point, I fingured this was better than nothing. I absolutely promise that I will try to get better at posting, but it's still kinda hard.



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