11 - Be My Escape

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Jenna POV

"How do I look?" I ask the guys on my bus.

Cam is the first to respond. "You look fine. Why?"

"Seriously?" I settle my bit of frustration. "I'm going on my first date with Tay tonight."

Alex Gaskarth furrows his eyebrows and says, "I thought you were with Derek."

"No, they just kissed at that party." Whakaio clarifies.

"Guys, we have more important things to deal with right now!" Jack Barakat yells.

I give him a dirty look. "You're playing Call Of fucking Duty. I think my date is a little more important."

"Jenna, you look great. Tay will love it." Alex says. I smile. I'm wearing simple jeans, a Led Zeppelin t-shirt, all black Vans, with a long-sleeved flannel sweater tied around my waist. My wavy blonde/green hair is left down; my face is natural.

"Thanks, Alex. Maybe I should join All Time Low now."

At that comment, all the guys in my band turned to look at me. Alex started laughing and Jack was too busy getting killed on Call Of Duty to hear what I said.

Matt asks, "Jenn, are you serious?"

I smile and wave to them. "Bye boys."

As I exit the bus hear Jack yell, "Use protection!" Followed by Alex saying "They're girls, you dumb shit, they don't need to.

I laugh and walk over to the We Are The In Crowd bus. I knock on the door, which is answered by Mike. "Hello, Jenna."

"Hi. Can I come in?" He nods and moves over so I can enter the bus. Jordan, Rob, and Cameron sit in the front lounge area. I stand awkwardly in front of them and look for Tay. "Where's Tay."

"She's still getting ready." Rob says. I nod.

"So, Jenna," Cameron starts. "What are your intentions with our little girl?"

"Isn't she older than you?"

Jordan lets out a small chuckle. Cameron glares at him.

"That's besides the point," Cameron says. "Intentions?"

"Um, to make her happy and take care of her." I try my best not to put a question mark on the end of that.

The boys exchange looks and nod.

Jordan speaks next. "After your date, will you kiss her goodnight?"


He continues, "Will you have sex with her when you get back?"

My eyes go wide and my cheeks drain of color. "Um, no. If Tay and I ever do get that intimate, I want it to be special, and not on a tour bus full of guys that are practically her brothers."

They all smile. "Jenna," Rob says, "We approve of you and Tay. Just don't break her heart, or else Mike's girlfriend will kick your ass."

"I don't doubt that." I say. Tay walks out of the bathroom. I whisper the word 'wow'. She was wearing black skinny jeans, her black combat boots, and a Glamour Kills 'Wander Forever' tank top. There is a red beanie over her pin-straight dark-to-light hair. "Tay, you look beautiful."

She smiles. Her teeth are so bright. "Thanks. So do you."

"Okay, you two, go have fun," Rob says and ushers us out the door. "But not too much fun. Oh, and have her back by midnight."

"Yes, sir," I say and give a two-finger salute. He disappears back into the bus and closes the door behind him. I reach for Tay's hand. Our fingers interlock, sending butterflies into my stomach. "So where are we going?"

Reflections - Tay Jardine & Jenna McDougall (Wattys2015)Where stories live. Discover now