4 - Do You Feel

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I don't know what time it is when Jordan pulls the curtain to my bunk back and says, "Tay, you need to sleep."

"What're you talking about?"

"It's four A.M. and we're playing at noon. You need to sleep."

"You're telling me I need to sleep, but you're awake too, smart ass." I remark.

"I got up to take a piss, you've just been texting god-knows-who."

He has a point. I have been texting Jenna since we left San Antonio. "Alright, alright." I reluctantly send Jenna a goodnight text.

"Get some sleep, kiddo. We've got a big day tomorrow." He closes the curtain. I connect my phone to its charger, then hide it under my pillow so I won't keep trying to talk to Jenna.

I don't know what it is about her. She's so likable. Ever since I heard her voice I've wanted to get to know her.

I turn my bunk light off, pull my blanket over me, and slowly drift off.


It's about ten when I wake up. I pull myself out of my bunk, still slightly overtaken by sleep. I hear the faint sounds of water hitting the floor, so I can't use the bathroom. The only problem is that I really have to.

I throw a pair of Vans on, grab my phone, and run off the bus. I text Alex saying Open your door I'm gonna be there in 20 seconds.

Sure enough, the door is open, and Alex is standing outside looking perplexed. I say, "I'll explain in a minute!" I run to their bathroom, and have to push Zack out of my way so I can get there first. I take my much-needed pee, then let Zack do his business.

"That was a long pee for a little girl," Alex says.

"I really had to go."

"Why didn't you just use the one in your bus?"

"I would if I could've."

"Why'd you come here?" He asks. "Why didn't you ask Jenna?"

"I may not have thought of that at first."

"So, what you're saying is, you had to piss so bad, that the first person you thought to tell was me?"

"Yeah, pretty much."

"You're one weird person, Taylor."

"Yay! The Wild Jardine is back!" Jack yells and throws his arms around me.

"Hey, Kitty," I say.

"Tay," Rian says coming out to the table we all -- with the exception of Zack -- were sitting. "Your little duet with Jenna has over 100 million views on YouTube."

I jump out of my chair. "What!? It went up yesterday."

But sure enough, the video started out with Jenna introducing me, us playing, and everything that followed. "There is no way this has that many views." Rian points to the number. "The Wild Jardine stands corrected."

Those nine digits left me in complete and utter bewilderment: 101,728,292.

"You have to tell her," Rian says. I whip my phone out of my pocket. "No, no, no. You have to tell her in person."

I nod and give the guys a quick good-bye and leave to find Tonight Alive's bus. When I do, I tap a rhythm on the door, something along the lines of dun-dun-doo-da.

Matt answers the door and says, "Hello."

"Is Jenna here?"

"Yeah, come on in." He moves out of the way to let me onto the bus. "Jenn! You have a visitor."

Reflections - Tay Jardine & Jenna McDougall (Wattys2015)Where stories live. Discover now