15 - My Favourite Thing

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Jenna POV

I never thought I would like fanfiction. Some of it isn't that bad. It's not like I read the ones about me and Jake, or Cam, or anyone else. I only read the ones about me and Tay. We've been internet-official for a week, and a lot have come out since then. But a lot were also made before we even started dating.

Most of them are pretty good. I was reading one that was fairly interesting, until it said Tay left me for Alex Gaskgarth and I got so upset that I killed myself.

Tay thinks it's funny that I read it. She doesn't. She says she's read other ones about her and other people. Lots of people are very obsessed with her and Jordan, even thought they're practically siblings.

"Okay, Crazy," she says. We're in the front lounge of my bus. I have about an hour and a half before soundcheck. My eyes are glued to my phone.

"Some of these are actually really good. I like the dialouge in them. It's really funny. The storylines are really creative, too," I argue.

"I believe you, but fanfiction was kind of ruined for me after about the tenth sex scene between me and Jordan."

"Hashtag 'Taydan'."

"It saddens me that you know that."

"You know I don't believe in that. Hashtag 'Jenlor'."

She smiles and leans over to kiss me. I lean in and meet her lips. We stay like that until we have to breathe (which took a while because we both have excellent lung capacity.) We pull away and I go back to my story.

"Oh my god." Tay says.

I put my phone down and look at her. I can't tell if what she said was good or bad. "What?"

"Austin's an idiot."

"What'd he do?"

She turns her phone, showing me her Twitter feed. I see a picture of Tay and I kissing. It doesn't look recent, though. It's captioned: "I figured I should show you the first #Jenlor kiss."

"How the hell did he get that?" I ask.

She gives a small laugh, mostly out of realization. "The freaking roof."


"The Of Mice and Men bus has a sunroof that you can climb out of. Austin must have been hiding up there during our fight, then got a picture of us when I kissed you for the first time."

"I'm surprised no one noticed."

"I'm surprised we didn't notice."

I shrug. She goes back on her phone. I lay my head on her shoulder and continue with my fanfiction. She puts her arm around my shoulders and pulls me into her.

Tay gives me a quick kiss when her alarm goes off, telling her it's time for soundcheck.

"I'll be there in time for your set." I say as she leaves. I set my own alarm and continue with my story. I started it this morning, and I'm almost done with it. That's another thing I love about these: they're quicker to read than actual books.

I'm halfway through another story when my alarm goes off. I spring up, and sprint to the stage that We Are The In Crowd's playing on. Tay and I never miss each other's set.

She didn't see me before she went onstage, but she always looks into the wings to make sure I'm still there. I don't know where she thinks I'll go, but I'd never leave anyway.

As expected, ten seconds into their first song she looks to see if I'm here. A smile consumed her face as she started the vocals to Lights Out.

I quietly start singing along. I love how Tay is on stage. She always looks like the stage is where she can be her true self. The amount of energy and passion she brings to each set amazes me. This is what she was born to do.I always find ways to get lost in her voice.

"Alright, we're gonna close out this show with a song for a special someone." I say. Jake pulls Tay onto the stage and sets up a stool for her to sit on. "This song is called My Favourite Thing, and it's dedicated to this wonderful girl right here. And all of you that came here with your boyfriends and girlfriends, you better fucking tell them you love them during this song."

I sing the entire song without looking away from her. I see some tears form in the corners of her eyes. Backstage I gently wipe them away with my thumb. She pulls me into a hug and I rub her back.

"Thank you so much."

"Anything for you."

So I'm gonna start doing this thing where I dedicate each chapter to a fan. So vote/comment, all that shit, and you get picked.

Also someone tell me how to get rid of the new profile, because I fucking hate it.



Reflections - Tay Jardine & Jenna McDougall (Wattys2015)Where stories live. Discover now