29 - Lying Is The Most Fun A Girl Can Have Without Taking Her Clothes Off

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Jenna POV

I can't focus correctly during my set. I don't mess up, but I'm not my usual self. This is the first time I'm glad our set's over

When I make it off stage, Savannah is standing with her arms crossed over her chest.

"I still can't believe that you didn't tell me that you just got out of a relationship." She says.

"Savannah, I swear if I thought it was important, I would've told you."

"Why didn't you think that a relationship was important?"

"The relationship that Tay and I had was fake. It was all for the fans."

Savannah uncrosses her arms. "Does she know that?"

"Of course," I lie.

"Then why does she look so shocked?" She asks and points behind me. I turn and see Tay standing behind me.

I see tears coming from her eyes. "Just for the fans? Here's something for the fans: fuck you, Jenna. Now I don't regret anything I've done. Oh, Savannah, just so you know, she was almost engaged to a man a few years ago. She likes to leave that part out."

And she's gone. My initial instinct is to go after her, tell her that I lied for Savannah's sake. But then I remember Savannah and don't.

I retreat back to the green room and sit down on the couch. I pull my phone out of my pocket and start scrolling through Twitter.

And, of course, one persons tweet catches my eye.

@TayJardine: I'm pretty sure you're Satan and I really fucking hate you.

I deserve it. All I do is break her heart. 

I cannot wait for this night to be over; to move on to the next town and erase all my memories of Tay. All I want to do is go back home.

I don't even know why I told Savannah that my relationship with Tay wasn't real. Of course it lead to more problems. Of course Tay had to be standing there and overhear everything I said. 

I continue going through my news feed when I see the last thing Jack Barakat tweeted:

@JackAllTimeLow: @TayJardine is finally moving on ;) @zackalltimelow

Does that mean that they're dating? Or maybe they only kissed. What if they . . . 

No, they couldn't have gone that far. We didn't even go that far.

I feel anger boiling in the pit of my stomach. I don't know why I'm mad. It's great that she's moving on. I did.

But I can't shake the feeling.

Hello Pixies.

A few things:

1) How do you check the rating of a story? I really wanna know where this is.

2) There are only two chapters left in this story :'(

3) Look at how adorable Jenna is in that picture



Reflections - Tay Jardine & Jenna McDougall (Wattys2015)Where stories live. Discover now