Chapter 1

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"Huuuungh..." You woke up and stretched your arms out.
'First day at the academy.'
Stumbling out of bed you looked in the mirror.
You were in your PJs, which consisted of a white tank top and long navy sweat pants. You're (h/l) (h/c) was in a mess, and you're (e/c) had a sleepy look to them.

You got out of your PJs and into the school uniform. It was a little tight and revealing but you were required to wear it, even if it did make you feel a bit uncomfortable.

It was your first day at the True Cross Academy. You were studying to become an exorcist, and this school had a good education for that.

It's weird... You're an angel yet you choose to be surrounded by mortals and kill demons.
This was probably because of your father, who was God himself.

"(Y/n) I expect you are doing well with your angel studies." Your father said in his monotone voice.
"Hai father." Even though the angel studies were boring your father made you learn them.
He expected you to become a smart intelligent angel so he could marry you off, have another kid, and do the same thing. After all this was how angels had lived for over a millennium.

"(Y/n)! What is this I've been hearing about you causing trouble! Do you intend to dishonor your father?"
That day in school you had a fight with one of the girls. She tugged on your white wing and ripped out a few feathers. It freaking hurt. So you took out your arrow and shot around her so that her clothes were pinned to a wall. As an angel you sure did like to cause trouble.
"I'm sorry father, but she started it. I was protecting myself. That's why you gave me the bow right?"
He let out a sigh.
"Listen (y/n), you need to act like angel to be an angel. So clean up your act or you'll be disowned!" He raised his voice.
You were done with this. You used your big white wings and flew out of the house that night. Nobody noticed you, nobody noticed when you were gone, and nobody came looking you for you.
*end of flashback*

After you left the heavens you flew down to earth. When you landed you realized not everyone has giant white wings coming out their back. You folded them up on your back like a bird and tried to hide them as much as possible.

You didn't have a place to stay either so you needed to get a job. You worked as a waiter for a local restaurant. Pretty soon you had enough money saved up to go to this academy, which wasn't too expensive.

Now you've decided to pursue your dream of fighting evil. You want to help others with your powers, not just sit up in heaven and pretend to do things.

Today was the day that dream would all start... Little did you know a demon would get in the way.

Hope you enjoyed this first chapter! By the way, nothing I'm saying is meant to offend anyone's religion. It's just a fictional story so calm yourself XD. Ok see y'all next time.

Rin's Little Angel (Rin X Reader)Where stories live. Discover now