Chapter 17

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Rins eyes immediately lit up with joy.
"Woah seriously!?" He said.
You nodded your head.

He tackled you into a hug and left small butterfly kisses all over your face. You spread open your wings and encased the two of you inside its feathers. Giggles were the only thing escaping your mouth and a smile was the only thing plastered on Rins face.

"GET A ROOM YOU TWO!" Yukio shouted and threw pillows at the scene.
"WE ARE IN A ROOM BAKA!" Rin shouted back.
"Well if your gonna do PDA at least go in (y/n)s room, or just anywhere but here." He said as his sweat dropped.
"Ooooohhhh I get it." Rin raised his eyebrows at Yukio. "Somebody is jealous. Well too bad! (Y/n) is mine!" He picked you up and swung you over his shoulder.

"Hey put me down!" You started to punch his back but it didn't seem to phase the demon.
"I can walk you know."
"Yeah," he started "but I wanna walk you to a special place."

You gave up and let Rin carry you. Where were you going? You had no idea, you just hoped it was as nice as Rin made it out to be.

Finally Rin stopped walking and placed you down. It was at this point you realized you were on top of a building. This building gave you a perfect view of the entire campus as well as the sun set.

"I come up here a lot to help relax or clear my mind. I used to want this view to be only for me. But for you (y/n) I'll share anything." He said looking off into the sky of pinks and oranges.
"Anything?" You questioned.

"You'd even share your food?" You gave a smirk.
"Hey let's not push it that far... *sigh* I mean yes, even my food." He said all flustered.
You giggled and sat down then proceeded to swing your feet childishly over the edge.

"It is beautiful." You said.
Rin sat down next to you and wrapped his arm around your waist to pull you closer.
"Not as beautiful as you."

I HAD TO! Come on that was so cliche and cheesy that it was adorable. =^.^=
Anyway hope you all enjoyed this chapter. Just a heads up the story is gonna come to a close pretty soon. (Unless I come up with an idea to prolong the story.)

Another quick memo!
I'll be taking a few weeks hiatus. I've get a whole shit load of school work and finals. My grades are dropping and I just want to finish this year off on a good note. I'll be back soon. :)

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