Chapter 10

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Yukio gave you permission to go back to your room. While heading back you decided to take a detour and walk around.

The weather was nice. The sun was shining but it wasn't too hot, and a nice breeze blew through your hair. (AN: What do you think this is every other Character X Reader fan fic where there is always perfect weather (and grammar)? Heavens no! Mwahaha.)

But then as fate would have it, clouds rolled in and started to poor. As if your mood wasn't crummy enough now the weather was just as bad.

Normally you didn't mine rainy days. It was nice to stand under an umbrella and dance in the rain. However right now the downpour only added to the sadness in your heart.

Your clothes were soaked and you started to shake.

'Well this is fun.' You said sarcastically in you mind as a dark, bitter chuckle escaped your lips. (AN: I will forever read 'escape' in Dori's voice from Finding Nemo. Don't know what I'm talking about? Then continue reading while those who understand laugh a little.) Now you were on your way to your room.

Rin and Yukio live right next door so it's going to be difficult later to deal with them.
They'll probably come banging on the door and ask what's wrong, yada yada yada. So you decided to savior the peace and quite while you still could.

Life in your room seemed so empty and boring without the two rascals. It reminded you a lot of when you first came here and started living all by yourself.

You grabbed a drink and a box of Pocky then proceeded to rest your aching heart.
Turning on the TV you checked to see what was on.
Everything on related to romance.
Every single thing.
Even the God damn news was talking about how a bunch of famous people were getting married today.

Clicking off the TV in frustration you then chucked the controller away.
You mumbled incoherent words and swears as you opened the Pocky.

You plopped one in your mouth and started to gobble the sweet chocolate biscuit.
Hell, even the sweetness of the Pocky reminded you of Rin.

"Ugh forget it (y/n)! He doesn't like you!"
You started to ramble to yourself about reasons why he wouldn't like you and why you shouldn't like him.
"I mean why would he? Who looks at a giant pair of bird wings glued to someone's back and goes 'Hey that's real sexy.' No one! Plus he clearly said he doesn't like you. Why'd you even like him in the first place? A demon and an angle just don't mix."

He was a demon. You were an angle.
Maybe things just weren't meant to be.

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