Chapter 8

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You stayed in the brothers room until your wing was healed.

You explained to Yukio about what you were, were you came from, and any other questions he had.

Even though your wing was in a sling, (AN: Those accidental rhyming skills though. Wing and sling. I spit dat fire. *ignore me pleeeease*) you began to tutor Rin.

"So what is your worst subject?"
"Ummm..." He stopped to think.

Yukio chimed in with "You should ask him about a subject he doesn't suck at."
"Hey!" Rin shouted.

"Yukio really?" You gave him a 'was that comment really necessary' look. "You asked me to tutor him so butt out."

With that he shut up and walked into the other room.
"Anyway Rin, what were you going to say?"
"Well I'm not to good at Social Studies (geography, world cultures. Idk what you people call it.) There's too many dates and people."
Understandable considering Rin's extremely low attention span.
"Alright anything else?"
Then you heard Yukio yell from the other room "Exorcism and Math!"

You leaned back and yelled "Thanks Yukio!"

Rin got his text books and other supplies.

While you stayed at Rin's place you two connected more and more.

Everyday you taught him little hints and tricks, while also giving him the skills he needed to succeed. In return he collected your school work so that you could do it and not miss much during your absence.

One day you tried to move your wing and you did! It didn't hurt anymore!

"Rin! Rin! Come see!" You squealed with excitement.
"What is it (y/n)?" He looked to see your wing flapping and moving.

His eyes lit up at the sight of you being so happy. You stood up and jumped off the bed to hug him.

"ThankyouThankyouThankyou!" You said really quickly.
You couldn't see it but he was blushing.
"Y-yeah n-no problem."

At first he just patted your head but then sighed in defeat and hugged back.

"Now we can go back to classes together. Oh and thanks for getting my work everyday."
He shrugged and stuffed his hands in his pockets. "Just glad to see you're doing better."

That night you two studied a bit more for an upcoming test that Yukio assigned.
You gave Rin some questions and told him to go to the other room to answer them.

He took his time while sighing and grunting in confusion.

It was getting late and your body was betraying you. Your eyes started to close but you slapped your face to keep yourself awake.
"Come on don't fall asleep (y/n)."
But in a matter of minutes you were out like a light.

Rin's POV~
"Alright finished!" I brushed the eraser shavings off my paper and held it up in victory.
"(Y/n)! Hey (y/n) lo-." I was darting out of the other room when I saw (y/n) asleep in the chair.

I did make her wait a while.
Shit, she looks so cute like that too.

I smiled and walked over to her.
"(Y/n)" I whispered.
"Mhmm." She hummed back in a sleepy voice without opening her eyes.

She must be out cold.

"Wanna go to bed?" I asked.
She didn't respond.

How do you pick up a girl? Do you take their leg? No no, you drag them across the floor. Wait what? No that's stupid. Um...

Eventually I picked her up so her back and legs were in my arms like a little baby. (Aka bridal style)

I walked over to the extra bed and placed her down.
"Easy Rin. Easssssy. Phew! Ok didn't drop her."

Just as I was about to leave (y/n) said something in her sleep.
"Rin... Don't leave... Me." She spoke softly and turned away.

I won't leave you, don't worry, I'm not THAT stupid.

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