Chapter 7

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When you awoke you were lying in a bed. You woke up screaming from a nightmare of the events that had occurred.
"Woah woah (y/n)! You're ok!" Rin said waving his hands in front of you frantically.

You looked around and saw that you were in Rin and Yukio's room. It was the same size as yours with some desks, beds and other items for the two of them. You were laying bandaged in what you assumed was Rin's bed. Your wing was in a big sling and you ruffled the feathers to find it was still in pain.

You looked back at Rin and gave a soft smile "Thank you." You muttered out to him.
"So what are you (y/n)?" He now asked.
"Well..." You explained that you were angel that escaped her father and now is on earth in school to become an exorcist.

"Oh that makes sense." Rin said scratching the back of his neck.
"You understood absolutely none of what I said, did you?" You gave a sarcastic death glare.
"Nope!" He smiled. "But it sounds pretty bad. Just stay here!"

"Well. Are you gonna explain what your whole light show was about back there?" You crossed your arms over your chest waiting for an answer.
"Oh... Right..." Rin's voice trailed off.
"I'm sorry what was that?" You asked sincerely.
"Um I'm a d-"

"Oh shit!" Rin said.

Yukio had bust open the door and was chasing Rin around the room.
"DID YOU USE YOUR POWERS ON THOSE TWO BOYS OUT IN THE HALL!" Yukio said punching Rin on the head leaving a bump.
"So what if I did. I can control it now Yukio. BAKA!"

You chuckled at the two fighting. It wasn't like when Rin and Bon fought, this fighting was like cute sibling rivalry.

Rin looked at you and gave his signature toothy smile. Yukio let out a sigh of defeat and backed away from Rin. He walked over to you and sat on the edge of your bed.

"How are you feeling (y/n)?" Yukio asked with concern lacing his words.
"I've been better but my wing is healing."

He sat with a puzzled expression as he examined you.
"An angel huh? I knew something was different."

An awkward moment of silence fell upon the three of you, until Yukio spoke up.
"Well on a different topic, I've been meaning to ask you something (y/n)."
"What is it Mr.Okumara?"
"Please call me Yukio. I was wondering if you'd like to be Rin's tutor." Yukio scooted closer and whispered "he reaaaaallly needs one."

A pillow was thrown at his head "I HEAED THAT BAKA!" Said Rin.

You giggled which made the two stop immediately.
"Sure! I'll be your tutor!"

Well shit. I didn't mean to update twice in one day because now I need to write more. Good job Rachel. *pats self on back.*
Anyway, aside from my epic failures, I hope you all are enjoying the story. I'm really liking doing Characters X Readers. :D

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